Chapter Twenty Eight

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With a stunning waterfront, there came people that wished to view it, whether it be an ocean or sea, a river or lake.  The wide flowing river that curved and stretched through the city was no exception.  Along the sides of the waters, areas had been renovated for those people with luxury apartments and restaurants.  But most of the restaurants that Kazuhiko had ever been to were expensive Michelin star places, with exquisite tiny portions of food plated and presented over several courses served with wine or saki.  Not really suitable for children.  And so Kazuhiko had roped in a Rishu to help him find a good place to eat, preferably not a cheap chain eatery, that also catered for little ones.  Rishu in turn had spoken to his sister.

The quaint little restaurant happened to serve Chinese food and was just a short distance from the renovated and award winning waterfront located North of where Jun lived, it's views of the waterfront mostly obscured by new buildings.  Yet, even from the narrowed street, there was a warm and lively atmosphere eminating from it.  Upon opening the doors, a visitor would first be hit with the scent of food that instantly caused a reaction in mouths and the constant need to swallow and then the smiling hostess guided them to a table, though they would have to squeeze past others as chairs were taken from tables and families would squeeze around the smallest of spaces to remain together.

Yet in one corner, there was a cute family of four, comfortably sitting upon three chairs and one high chair around a circular table, with a revolving centre.  A selection of Dim Sum plates were scattered upon the revolving table, perfect for a young boy who had never tried this cuisine to test his palate with new flavours, while the toddler ate congee with flaky pieces of fish and cooling bun filled with softened vegetables.  The air around them was pink and warm, the fact that the two adults; including the one known as 'mummy' were both men seemed to matter the least. 

Jun glanced up through his dark lashes as his chopsticks grabbed a steamed dumpling before dipping it into a sweet and sour sauce then bringing it to his lips.  But his eyes weren't really looking at the food, but the man sitting opposite him, who would then realise he was being stared at and turn to look at him.  He quickly glanced away, not noticing the satisfied smile creeping up on Kazuhiko's lips, before it altered into that held by a proud father as his son questioned what a different dish was.  And so Jun's eyes would creep back to enjoy the view once more. 

It had been a day to remember; greeted upon opening one's eyes with birthday wishes and kisses from father and eldest son, followed by gifts and cuddles from Kou, who didn't really know what was going on, but it seemed exciting.  His heart had skipped a beat when receiving his first birthday gift from Kazuhiko, a brand watch, that was both stylish and practical as well as a new set of clippers.  And it had felt touched when he received a photo album with his precious collection of pictures of his son filling the first few pages, an image of Kazuhiko, Kei and Kou on the next, followed by the ultrascan picture.

And then he'd opened a gift from Keiichi, a plate he had painted with his daddy when mummy was working.  It was naturally unique and in Jun's eyes the most beautiful thing he'd seen since Kei was a baby in his arms.  Tears began to spill, worrying the protective boy and the child had to be reassured that he was happy.

"Happy Birthday, mummy," Kei had said once more, causing Jun to burst into tears again as he remembered that this was the first time that Kei had wished him that, for it had not quite been a year since he regained custody of his little boy.  And he probably wouldn't have heard those words this time if it had not been for the man hovering over both of them.  The kiss he had placed upon Kazuhiko's lips was filled with promise and tasted of salt.

There had been one more gift, unwrapped and in a small box that could easily fit in one's palm.  Kazuhiko had claimed that it was not for today, it was for when Jun said the word 'yes.'  It had only been known about as Kazuhiko wished for Jun to realise how serious he was about marrying him.  Not for his sons and not for the baby nestling below Jun's heart, but for Jun himself.  Jun had already known he'd begun to waver from his resolve, keeping a distance, raising a wall, all of these had proved impossible due to Kazuhiko's gestures over the past few weeks.  Even that morning... Jun found himself after, sitting at a table with just the rusk eating baby for company, after a breakfast of freshly cut fruit, yogurt and slices of honey coated toast, none of which had been made by his own hand, sipping on freshly brewed green tea.

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