Chapter Twenty Four

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Valentines Day was by far busier than Jun had anticipated. Fortunately, it was not a school day, the schools in the area had broken up for a week and a bit just the day before, which meant Shaheed was free to work. However, due to the sour face he produced that morning (he was pitying himself for not having a girlfriend and having to sell flowers to those that did) Eiko roped her husband into making the deliveries of preordered flowers.

Several of these orders were not the standard bunch of flowers, beautifully arranged, but fairly standard as a gift of affection for Valentines Day. The unusualness of Jun's displays had caught the eye of men and women who wished for something a little different to present to their lovers. His work had less flowers, but were more expensive as each display could be considered unique and more time consuming for the man who produced them, that and there was the cost of whichever bowl, vase or ornament that held the displays to consider.

Hideaki complained sulkily once he'd returned from the morning's round of deliveries and Eiko comforted him indulgently, while Jun glanced at them from the corner of his eye with a soft smile upon his face.

The sales of roses, bouquets and other apparel were not few that morning. People heading to work illegally parked, ran in and grabbed an already created bouquet, paying hurriedly before rushing back out of the shop. Those thinking of picking up chocolates from a confectionary shop a couple of streets over or cheaper ones from the convenience store past by and on a whim entered to pick up a single rose or cheap carnations. Or perhaps they were on their way back from those stores.

And then there was the steady stream of traffic of those who had phone ahead of time, but didn't want or couldn't have their flowers delivered, so came in to pick them up personally.

The shop was not large, more than two people at the counter was enough, another body simply was too much in the space. So they would take it in turns to rest in Jun's apartment, keep an eye on both Keiichi and baby Akahito. In Jun's case, he might take a few broken stems or roses that did not have the length of stem desired as an individual or bouquet purchase and make an ikebana display or two, while Kei watched another episode of Kung Fu Guardians. And once, Jun came to put the kettle on, while there was a brief lull in the shop to find Shaheed sitting cross legged and serious, opposite Kei and with Akahito in his lap, producing a scene with Kei and his action figures plus a few toy cars and dinosaurs. He kept quiet about it, not wanting to embarrass the teen.

The lunch hour brought another heady rush, mostly for single stem roses as lovers and partners went to meet their other half's for lunch or perhaps for the afternoon, beginning a long weekend now rather than at the standard end of the working day. It was a little quieter after the second hour of the afternoon, a moment to quickly fill displays with any available stock from the small stockroom, that was only needed for peak times like this day.

And then came the last rush of the day, as men and women left work for home, perhaps to see their loved ones there or to get ready for an evening date, they had left it to the last minute to buy flowers and would grab from garages, convenience stores and supermarkets or from florists if they happen to pass one. With just a few bunches of roses left to buy, some left unhappy, either purchasing whatever bouquet they could or leaving with nothing and seeking what they wished for elsewhere. A couple took the chance on one of the remaining ikebana displays or a teddy bear, one or two wished to blame others for their lack and complained angrily at the two omega's for the limited availability of stock at that late hour. Fortunately, Hideaki was there to quell those people as well.

When the shop's metal shutters finally descended for the night and after Hideaki and Eiko with Akahito bid Jun goodbye, Shaheed had left a couple of hours earlier, Jun finally entered the apartment and collapsed on the sofa with an oomph. Barely, had his weary body began to relax when he was reminded of something.

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