⇝ one.

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the early morning sunrise spread across the city of seoul, creating a majestic combination of oranges, blues, and pinks. the ray of sunshine peeking from behind one of the many miniature clouds in the sky perfectly hit inside the moving truck of which kwon soonyoung was driving. the road ahead of him extended on for what seemed like days upon days. it was like the setting of the beginning of a movie. the beautiful scenery of corn fields and barns every now and then made soonyoung softly smile to himself as the low beats of the radio filled the quiet morning air.

it was only 7:30 am, and he had been driving since around midnight, making stops every now and then at gas stations for a quick bathroom and snack break. he had litters of chip bags and snacks filling the passenger side of the truck, along with empty drink bottles and a few ramen bowls. he had been travelling to seoul from his hometown namyangju-si to pursue his future job as a choreographer and professional dancer. he had finally saved up money to move and buy himself a nice house to keep. of course, he would visit, but moving back was not going to happen. soonyoung planned to stay in seoul until retirement, or until his body gave out from dancing too much.

the road started to get smaller, cornfields starting to get less frequent. he was moving to the countryside, but had to go through the city to get there. luckily, the place he got the job was right at the edge of the city, and his house was close enough for him to walk to work. it was like he found where he was supposed to be all his life. you could even say it was heaven to soonyoung.

one of the bad parts was though, is that he didn't know anyone there. he had to completely start over with his friends and social life. he was hoping that he could express his sexuality more, being a bisexual man. he wanted to experiment with men, seeing what it would be like to have a boyfriend rather than a girlfriend. he just thought being straight was too boring.

it was the only thing his parents never supported. they wanted him to pursue his dreams, but get a perfect family while doing it. but, that wasn't what soonyoung wanted. he didn't want his life to be pretty and have flying colours. but rather interesting with some sparkles and even pretty paint splash every now and then.

this was the beginning of his new life.


soonyoung had finally passed through the city and made it to the country, looking for the neighbourhood in which his new house waited for him. it was 12:30 pm when he finally saw the house in person, which looked even more beautiful when he saw it on the ads. it was like his whole life was finally coming together.

he kissed the steering wheel goodbye before hopping out of the driver's seat, stretching his whole body well before getting the keys and walking up the driveway.

the house was seriously beautiful. it had brick walls that were painted a light grey, accented with white along the walls and a coal black roof. the porch was very open, accessorized with a feather white rocking bench and two hanging pots of pink and purple flowers. it was like a house for a basic family, but it was soonyoung's dream house.

he didn't even hesitate to run up to the door and smiled widely to himself, taking the key for the door and inserting it into the lock, turning it until he could open the door. he opened it slowly, revealing the slightly empty house. it still had a few things that the previous owner left behind since they no longer wanted the items. soonyoung could feel the hearts in his eyes grow bigger as he looked around, finally feeling the wood floor tiles on his feet and seeing the silver walls for the first time. how the arch from the living area to the kitchen was at a perfect height and how the stairs came from the living area instead of in front of the main door like most houses. he walked to the living area, feeling the soft beige carpet under his feet and walking to the stairs, going up to the miniature hallway with the bedroom and the bathroom. the bedroom was huge, with a walk-in closet. and so was the bathroom, with a pretty glass shower and a shiny white bathtub. soonyoung fangirled to himself before running down to the kitchen.

it already had an oven and a microwave, which was amazing to the man. he didn't have one, so it was like a house warming gift. this made him smile as he walked to the basement. it was pretty bare, and it really did need some work. but soonyoung already had plans for it.

he was going to make it a huge party area, filled with a pool table and a bar, and maybe even a table or two for games. he was also going to put a futon and television for cuddling sessions. it was all in soonyoung's head, and soon he was planning to make it into reality.

he went back upstairs and went outside to his backyard. it had pretty white fencing to keep his property to himself. the yard was decorated with a garden and a pool, along with a few sunbathing chairs and pool toys in a miniature shed in the left corner of the yard. once again, soonyoung approved of the looks.

going back to the front porch, soonyoung sat down on the bench and let it sway back and forth gently. he observed his surroundings, the few houses next to him on his left and right, and the house across from him. there was no one outside at the moment, but he did notice that there was a car parked outside and a few buckets and a hose. he assumed that his new neighbour was washing up his car and either didn't finish or didn't clean up yet. he didn't think too much, as he didn't want to bother them or anything.

soonyoung sat up and finally took one last stretch before walking to the moving truck and unlocking the back. he didn't hire anyone because he didn't want to take the time to disturb them or pay them, because he wasn't the richest. he was capable of doing it himself.

he unlocked the back and opened the door, revealing all of his items. it was one of the smaller trucks since he didn't have enough items, but it did fill the miniature truck perfectly. he pulled down the ramp on the truck and began to bring in boxes, making sure to put them in the right rooms. while packing, he made sure to label what is what so he knew where it would go.

it was around the 7th trip when he saw his neighbour from across the street come outside, immediately making eye contact with soonyoung. he felt himself blush, smiling and waving at the man. he was very tall, with a black sleeveless shirt and ripped jeans paired with some nike sneakers. his hair was light auburn, pushed back from his face. he didn't realize that he was staring, as the other was waving his around. soonyoung shook his head and bowed before returning to his duties.

"holy shit, he's fine. i didn't know i was getting a hot neighbour. this really is like a movie." he mumbled to himself before smiling and taking the rest of the boxes inside. all he had to do now was get the appliances.


a few hours had passed, and the sun was shining down on the countryside. it was flaming hot outside, but a beautiful blue sky appeared above him. he was sitting outside, reading a book. soonyoung absolutely loved the warm air, it was quite relaxing to him. in addition, there was a slight breeze, so it was bearable.

ever so often, he would watch as his neighbour was working, and he was right from before. the man was washing his car old fashion. and he looked great doing it too. there was one time where they made eye contact, and soonyoung immediately looked away. he couldn't help it, the man was too handsome for his own good. 

there was another time though that they had made eye contact, but instead of looking away, soonyoung actually waved and him. the man waved back, smiling.

it was a peaceful afternoon for soonyoung, and a great one to him. after a while, he had gone inside to start unpacking. he did that until he took a break, setting up his tv to watch a movie.

as the evening arrived, the sun began to slowly set. it was around dinner time, and soonyoung was eating a pizza he remembered when there was a loud knock at his door.


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