⇝ five.

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soonyoung had opened his eyes, a sudden panic urging through his nerves as the scent was very unfamiliar. but he soon realized where he was and what happened when he lifted his head up to see a sleeping mingyu laying in front of him. he couldn't really help but smile, his features still defined even though he was relaxed and asleep. soonyoung gently stroked his face, causing his eyes to open and meet the other's, a smile spreading on mingyu's lips.

"good morning, hyung. did you sleep well?" his voice was a bit deeper than usual since he had just woken up. it was deep, something like soonyoung liked about him. the deep, relaxing voice he possessed was one of the first things soonyoung had noticed about him, and it was an instant charm.

"yeah, i did. how about you?" soonyoung snuggled up and rested his chin on mingyu's chest, staring up at him.

"yes, especially with you. do you wanna make breakfast?" he cupped soonyoung's cheeks. he nodded and stood up so they could both walk together to the kitchen and make something to fill their growling stomachs. soonyoung checked the time on the oven, it read 9:30 am. strange, because he never woke up that early before. he was the type of person to wake up at noon or early afternoon since he would stay up late to work out kinks on a choreography. it was like a new beginning for him.

soonyoung looked around the kitchen for a pan. he placed it on the stove and got out his carton of eggs. he always had an omelet in the morning, it was just his signature breakfast. it kept him full and they were delicious.

mingyu was going to barge into his life and play with his feelings, so soonyoung was going to barge into his kitchen and eat his food. that's how it worked to him.

"what are you making?" mingyu asked as he retrieved a bottle of water, taking a drink. "you're already acting like it's your own house." he came up behind soonyoung and wrapped his arms around the smaller's waist.

"i'm making an omelet, would you like one?" he answered with another question, turning over to his right and looked at mingyu, who was smiling brightly. soonyoung couldn't help but smile back, but it didn't take too long before he realized how close he was. he quickly turned around, focusing on the dish so mingyu didn't see him blush furiously. close contact was going to be his villain, even if he thought mingyu was his superhero.

the weird feeling was that it felt so right. being in mingyu's arms on a beautiful saturday morning making a delicious breakfast for them to enjoy. it was all ruined though when mingyu removed his arms and shook his head.

"no thanks, hyung. i don't eat breakfast. in fact, i have a better idea." he took soonyoung's hands off of the pan and turned him to face mingyu. he looked up, confused.

"i propose an idea. but we should talk first." he took the older over to the table and sat across from him, holding his hands.

"yesterday... well last night... when i said i liked you, i really do hyung. i think you're an awesome person and i wanna see where we can go." mingyu began before getting interrupted.

"like, on a date? us?" soonyoung asked.

"yeah, a date. us two, together. i heard you say you liked me too, maybe it could work." he looked up and smiled at soonyoung, a warm smile to hopefully convince him.

"of course! i'd love to!" he jumped excitingly and squeezed mingyu's hands. was he dreaming or something? a date?

"well, let's go! go change!" mingyu got up and soonyoung gave a thumbs-up before running out and back to his house. he had a huge smile on his face as he looked at himself in the mirror. he put on a pair of ripped jeans and a t-shirt, black tennis shoes before heading back out and seeing that mingyu was already ready with a designed black hoodie and black jeans with rips only in the knees and black converse.

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