⇝ eight.

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warning: this is the smut chapter. feel free to skip it, the next chapter will be the morning after! (,:


"since you stepped into my territory, i guess you're mine now."

mingyu crashed his lips onto soonyoung's, kissing him passionately, but the hunger overriding. soonyoung couldn't help himself but respond, immediately kissing him back. the frustration boiled in him, the confusion and curiosity following behind. just at the moment, he pushed mingyu away and frowned.

"what the hell, gyu?! you seriously are just going to disappear from me like that? what was it for?" soonyoung was on the brim of tears but held it in as he stared up at the other, whose eyes were burning with hunger slowly died away and grabbed soonyoung's hands.

"i did it because i was scared you didn't like me, so i hid. but i think now i know you don't hate me... hopefully." he smiled softly. "will you let me make it up to you? i promise to never do it again." mingyu tried to persuade him. he knew this was going to happen at some point, and thankfully it was then.

"hmm, i don't know. i'll think about it." soonyoung pretended to think, but in reality, he didn't even have an answer. why would we just hide and run away without a warning? to soonyoung, the biggest trait he would look for in a person was honesty. it seemed mingyu had it, but only a fragment.

soonyoung gently placed his hands on mingyu's waist before looking up at him. he didn't want to say no and just give himself away to him and love him forever. but it was too early, he was afraid of giving away too much too early. a small but genuine smile formed on his lips as he hugged mingyu. he hugged back, returning the smile.

"i hope it's a yes. but we can talk about it later, i have other plans for us." mingyu lifted up soonyoung's chin to see him and noticed how the look in his eyes had changed from anger to curiosity. the look made mingyu more confident. he connected their lips together more gently, the kiss filled with more lust. soonyoung jumped up and wrapped his legs around mingyu's waist and smiled before kissing him again. mingyu bit the elder's bottom lip, earning a small yelp from him. they continued to kiss, mingyu winning the battle of dominance as he got to explore all of soonyoung's mouth with his tongue. they both pulled back to catch their breath and soonyoung's eyes widened in shock.

"wow..." soonyoung said between breaths. "that's the first time i've ever really kissed someone," he admitted, smiling.

"well, i'm glad that i'm your first then. that means, i'm assuming, you're a virgin?" mingyu raises an eyebrow.

"yeah..." soonyoung felt slightly embarrassed to be saying that, but he didn't really care. he was saving himself for someone special or for after marriage, but he lost the feeling of waiting and just wanted someone to love him at this point in life. he's never really been in love or had a crush before, so giving himself to mingyu wasn't going to be a big deal to him. soonyoung was willing to give it away.

"that's okay. i'll give you a first time to remember then." mingyu kissed soonyoung's lips before carrying him down the hall and into his bedroom. "but as i said... you're mine for the night. got it?"

"i guess so," soonyoung said, smirking. he could tell by the way mingyu talked that he definitely had some daddy kink and was a top, but soonyoung decided to be a brat and tease him.

"you guess so? i'm sorry, that's not gonna work." mingyu frowned as they got to his room and closed the bedroom door.

"and what are you going to do about it?" soonyoung went from a smirk to a bit scared. mingyu's expression went from seductive and lustful to a more angry, determined look. that's exactly what mingyu was. he was determined to make soonyoung his, even if it took more than one night.

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