⇝ nine.

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the constant pounding is what woke soonyoung up from his peaceful slumber. the banging repeating deep in the corner of his mind, the raging pain it gave him. he took the white silk pillow, covering his head and trying to somehow squeeze the pain out of his head.

but it was from the insane amount of alcohol he had the night before. soonyoung never realized it, because it took him into a fantasy land. something he enjoyed being in so much, and he would get so carried away he never payed attention. and of course, he was mingyu, so it didn't matter at the dazzling moment. the moments he would never forget.

after the few minutes and the man finally realizing that a pillow wouldn't help, he threw it across the room angrily and accidentally knocked down a few books that were on a miniature table mingyu had in his room. the noise woke him up, as he was a light sleeper. he shot up in a panicked state, only relaxing when he saw soonyoung. his eyes landed onto the soft white pillow and let out a sigh of relief, laying back down and scooting over to soonyoung.

"well, good morning." his voice was low and had that accent of tired in it, sounding raspy. soonyoung could listen to him talk like that all day long, but it would only last until they got out of bed.

"good morning, handsome." soonyoung smiled softly as he cuddled up to the taller, letting mingyu hug him tightly. even though he was a bit tipsy, he wasn't going to give off a sign of rejection, regret, or fear. he was a confident man and wasn't going to go down without a fight. the small amount of anger still boiled deep down in his stomach, upset as to why mingyu still ghosted him the week before. "do you have any medicine? my head hurts so bad." he asked, looking up at mingyu.

"of course, i can go get you some. be right back." mingyu smiled as he planted a soft kiss on soonyoung's forehead. he sat up, looking for some clothes to put on. mingyu quickly put on a pair of black basketball shorts before getting up and going into the kitchen.

the man had a huge, happy smile on. his plan never went according to plan, but soonyoung wasn't angry at him and tried to leave so it all worked out. did he forgive mingyu? probably not, but earning it back was something he needed to do. the tall, messy-haired kim mingyu knew not to do something like that again. he had learned his lesson and was willing to earn kwon soonyoung's trust back. mingyu walked into his kitchen and got out a tall glass to fill up with water. after filling it with ice-cold water, he got out two pills of ibuprofen and went back.

soonyoung had already put his pants back on, so when mingyu knocked at the door to have him open it, he was able to just get up and open the door. he handed soonyoung the pills and water. "here you go." mingyu smiled as the shorter took each of the pills, coughing slightly after each one. he wasn't too good on taking pills since he never had to take them. the thought of 'what if i choke?' was what scared him away from helping him feel better. he'd rather suffer from a small headache then choke on a red pill.

he finished the glass of water, setting it down on the nightstand before giving mingyu a warm hug. "thank you, i already feel a lot better." he managed to speak out as he nuzzled his head deep into mingyu's neck, letting his warmth spread. it was true, the aching and pounding pain from it was already starting to fade away, but still remained since the medicine didn't take it all away immediately. they stayed bundled for a few minutes until soonyoung finally decided to let go, going to sit on the bed.

"i might have to go soon, i have work today," he said as mingyu sat down next to him, interlocking their fingers together. "even though i don't wanna go, i've been there too short of a time to get the day off." soonyoung squeezed mingyu's hand.

"i understand. what time do you have to be there?" mingyu asked as he grabbed his phone.

"1:00 today. 1:00-6:00 since it's a friday and rehearsal is short." soonyoung leaned to see what time it was. the clock on mingyu's phone read 10:47, so it gave them around two hours to spend together. "let's get you all cleaned up and ready then, yeah?" mingyu stood up and put his phone back, bringing soonyoung over to his bathroom.

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