⇝ six.

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in the blink of an eye, the weekend flies by and comes to an end. the sun rises into the sky of seoul, painting a beautiful orange sky before fully rising into a baby blue. the rays pointed out, greeting the citizens of the city. soonyoung was lightly snoring, bundled up into layers of fleece blankets and peacefully sleeping. 10:10 am, his alarm clock buzzed off, waking up the sleepyhead blonde. he groaned in annoyance, turning off the alarm clock and rubbing his eyes. looking at himself in all the fuzziness of blankets, he didn't want to leave the warmth and join the cold world. but, it was what he had to do.

slowly, soonyoung pulled up the blankets and stood up, stretching his body. he went to the bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror. messy blonde hair spiking in as many directions as possible, decorated with his slightly red cheeks and lips from being nice and cozy in the blankets. he looked down at the hoodie he was wearing, smiling. it was the one mingyu gave him saturday morning and he had been wearing it ever since. 

soonyoung did his morning routine in the bathroom and went to go change. even though he was a person who liked to change clothes, he figured it wouldn't matter. he threw on a pair of sweats and a loose black tank top before putting mingyu's hoodie back on. it still had a slight smell of the cologne he was wearing that night, which made soonyoung smile more.

10:40 am. he had twenty minutes before he had to leave. he was lucky to have the later schedule since the group he worked with practice in the afternoon. it gave his bad sleeping habits a slap in the face but also made him happy he didn't have to wake up at six in the morning. soonyoung took a deep breath before grabbing his bag, phone, wallet, and keys before heading downstairs.

grabbing a glass from his cupboard, soonyoung sighed. today just felt a bit off to him, like something was missing, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. he just brushed off the feeling and drank the water he poured into his cup. he placed the cup into the sink, grabbed a granola bar and bag and left the kitchen. even though he was a dancer, he never had much of an appetite in the morning. having something small like a granola bar or even a fruit kept him going for a few hours.

soonyoung put on his favourite pair of shoes and made sure he had everything necessary before leaving his house, making sure the door was locked in the process. the slight breeze of the morning swept his hair slightly to the left, keeping him cool with the warm air. he took another deep breath and let it out slowly, observing the neighbourhood. it was a peaceful day out, but something seemed to be missing. 

mingyu wasn't outside.

it was a bit odd to soonyoung. since he's moved in, mingyu had always been outside to greet him or just a small interaction with the blonde, but he wasn't there. soonyoung didn't want to think too much of it or overreact. perhaps he got a sudden schedule change at work or was sick. it could be anything.

but soonyoung wasn't the type of person to bug someone or ask questions as to why things changed, so he just left for work, not worrying too much about it.

he only started worrying when it was wednesday and it was radio silence. crickets. nothing was coming from mingyu. no texts, no calls, nothing. he wasn't outside, either. it was starting to worry him, so he tried to soothe his anxiety.

wednesday night soonyoung had enough. he felt like he was being led on by this man. he picked up his phone, dialling his number. as expected, he got no answer. the message machine said that the number was temporarily turned off. it was driving him crazy. hanging out with someone and then they suddenly disappear. a light bulb in his head went off, and he stood up and slipped on some shoes.

he walked out into the low evening light that was left of the day and walked across the lawn to mingyu's house. determined to get an answer, soonyoung knocks on the door again and again.


soonyoung wasn't angry anymore, he was concerned. why would someone just disappear? he checked the garage, his car was still there. he was in there, he just knew it. but what was he doing that he couldn't come to answer the door? or any of his texts and calls? the anxiety was beginning to build up in his system as he trudged back to his house, his eyes slowly beginning to close. he was too tired from today's work to even care anymore, but the ball of anxiety in him still cried out.

that night he went to sleep, wearing mingyu's hoodies and a small frown, tiny tears starting to form but never fell. 

"where did you go?"


he isolated himself.

the bangs on the door grew louder and louder, making mingyu want to throw himself off his bed and answer the door, want to hold the short blonde in his arms forever and ever. but he couldn't.

not yet.

it was slowly cracking his heart. his phone was turned off, taped into a box, and placed at the top of the bookshelf he kept in his living room. 

why did he do this, exactly? because he got too attached. even though it wasn't much, he felt it coming up. he couldn't let himself get attached again.

he was afraid of getting hurt. he didn't want soonyoung to betray him and find someone better. so he isolated himself from the world.

but, it was all according to the plan. to make kwon soonyoung fall in love with him. they talked and then mingyu stopped, making soonyoung crave him more and more until he couldn't take it. not going outside in the morning was starting to feel like hell, as he had been going outside to admire the fresh air every morning for the past five years.

it was all apart of the plan. he was going to keep this going until the weekend, then saturday pops up at his house. it definitely might cause some problems, but seeing how soonyoung would react would be an interesting experience. 

hoping that it would all play out how mingyu wanted it to would be hard though, as he always set his expectations up too high. but with soonyoung, he had a bigger amount of hope that this would all work out.

mingyu and soonyoung fell asleep at the same time, both wondering how the other was doing.


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