⇝ three.

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the morning sunshine invaded soonyoung's new housing and his closed eyes, shooting him wide awake when the sun was in the perfect position to shine right on him. he checked the time, groaning in annoyance. it was only 9:00 am, and he wanted to sleep until later to regain his energy, but that didn't seem to be the plan now. once he woke up, the hamster never went back to sleep.

soonyoung forced himself up from the couch, removing the hoodie from his body and walking to the kitchen. he took a bottle of water from the package he brought with him and chugged it down without hesitation.

he was thirsty, to say the least. he had plans that day, and he had to start it off somehow.

soonyoung threw away the now empty, crushed up water bottle in the sink carelessly before going to sit back down. he took a few deep breaths. he was planning out his day in mind. go through all the items he owned, then throw away the boxes. go to the store to get food and other necessities. then sleep, because starting tomorrow was his first day of work.

it was all planned out in his head. soonyoung was ready to start his day.

9:05 am. soonyoung stood up, starting from top to bottom. he forced himself up the stairs and into the room farthest down the hallway, his bedroom. the blonde patted down the hallway as if it was haunted, taking in his surroundings. this was the hallway he would have to walk through every single day, but why did it give off such a weird vibe?

it was a very dark hallway, maybe that was why. there were no windows, only a long slim carpeted path with a door on each side of the wall and one at the end. it was plain white, almost like a hospital hallway. but it was totally normal, there was nothing wrong with the hallway.

what if there was something wrong with soonyoung?

the man could feel his headache start to form, already angry at himself for thinking of something as dumb as a haunted hallway. it was literally just a hallway. he couldn't believe himself.

but that's not what mattered at the moment. what mattered was that he needed to get started on his unpacking. he stepped into his room, taking in the smell immediately. with a satisfied smile, he began to go through the boxes.


his room was finished. it was all set up and pretty. he had his bed in the center, his desk in one corner and his vanity in another. everything he owned that he wanted in the bedroom was there. he felt another smile coming and just seemed to let it happen. he was so happy with how it all turned out.

he took all the boxes and unfolded them, stacking them together and proceeded to walk out and take them outside. he opened the back of his car and placed them in the trunk, and when he turned around after closing the car's rear door, he spotted a familiar person.

it was mingyu.

"uh, hey hyung!" mingyu smiled and waved as if they weren't just three inches away from each other, which nearly scared the hell out of soonyoung.

"hi mingyu!" soonyoung smiled back before going back to walk inside.

"what are you doing with all these boxes?" he asked the other.

"well, i'm unpacking everything and getting settled in." his smile faded but was still slightly visible. perhaps he was slightly annoyed but he really just wanted to get this all over with. so, he decided to go check his mailbox to accompany the taller.

"do you need any help?" he asked as they walked side by side, still smiling brightly. it was hard for soonyoung to admit, but the man had an absolutely gorgeous smile and couldn't help but return it, his eyes meeting mingyu's.

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