⇝ ten.

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the next few weeks of kwon soonyoung and kim mingyu's lives had changed for the better. their happiness levels would significantly rise. a few days later after their special night, mingyu had asked him on another date. of course, it went successfully. it was then soonyoung really started to develop a crush on mingyu, but obviously tried to deny it. he couldn't help it, though. everything about mingyu was what soonyoung wanted, and vice versa.

their bond became unbreakable. they would stay up all night talking, physically or over the phone. sleepovers were a regular thing now, always being at each other's house. they became best friends over the course of a month that went by super fast. it felt like a week to them. it was, to soonyoung, the best month of his life. soonyoung couldn't be more thankful for having mingyu in his life.

it was that night that mingyu had asked him on their third date. mingyu had it all planned in his head. perfectly set up, too. it was a surprise date, though. he didn't say when or where, just soon.

third time was the charm, right?

tonight was the night. mingyu had his backyard decorated like a party was going to happen, but it was just for the two of them. he was outside setting it up all day. he took a shower and refreshed his looks before officially being ready.

soonyoung's phone alarm ringed through the quiet kitchen as he set his bowl of precious spicy ramen down to answer. he picked up his phone and clicked the green call button, bringing the phone up to his ear.

"hello?" soonyoung answered. it was a bad habit of him to answer without taking a glance of the caller id to see who was dialling him, but it turned out to be mingyu.

"hey hyung, wanna come over?" mingyu's deep voice rang through and made soonyoung smiled. he always loved mingyu's voice, how calming it was when he told stories or would reassure him if he had an anxiety attack. it was relaxing and really helped him calm down or help him sleep. it was one of the million things he loved about mingyu.

"sure, what time?" soonyoung asked as he picked up his chopsticks to continue eating the noodles he had abandoned just a few seconds ago.

"i'll pick you up. make sure you're dressed decently though, we're going out." even though it was a lie, soonyoung was still slightly confused at the reason why they would be going out. but he decided to go along and listen to the younger male.

"alright, i will." soonyoung smiled and blew a kiss through the phone before hanging up. he set his phone down and slurped up the remaining of his noodles. hopefully, they weren't going out to eat, cause soonyoung was full.

he put on a pair of his nice black jeans with some red converse and a red hoodie. he wasn't sure if he meant fancy or not, so soonyoung just dressed more on the basic side. hopefully, it was enough, and if it wasn't mingyu would have to suffer. he fixed up his hair and let it hang down in front of his eyebrows and slightly in his eyes. the bleach blonde was starting to bore him, but he was too lazy to change it. giving himself an approving nod, soonyoung made his way back to the kitchen to get his phone and played some games until mingyu came over.

mingyu was just finished getting ready. hair slightly messy with it in front his face just like soonyoung had his. he had on some ripped blue jeans and all black nike shoes. he stopped it with a fuzzy black sweater. it was nice outside, but to keep him extra warm the fuzzy sweater was perfect. it wasn't too special of an outfit, but tonight was special to him.

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