⇝ two.

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the knock lasted for about three seconds, ringing inside soonyoung's head as his heart began to beat faster. he was absolutely positive on who it was, but it still made his heart flutter. he could grill food on that man, that's how fine he was.

he got up, "coming!" was what came out his mouth as he skipped to the door. when he arrived, he reached for the doorknob and opened it slowly but all the way. he looked up and he was right, it was the neighbour from across the street. soonyoung smiled, bowing.

"ah, hello!" he looked up and saw the other smile, making soonyoung blush just a bit. he couldn't physically help himself. he looked like an actual model. the man was dressed now, wearing a black hoodie and some black jeans. he looked more casual, but still put together. he was also holding a miniature basket.

he bowed back, smiling down at soonyoung. "hello!" his deep voice swarmed soonyoung's ears and made him smile again. "i saw you just moved in today, i'm assuming, and i wanted to welcome you." he continued, "i also brought you some cookies if you were interested." he looked down at his basket before looking at soonyoung in the eyes before smiling again, showing off his canines. they were sharper than a knife, but it made him look more innocent in a way. he looked even more innocent with the soft brown hair over his forehead.

"oh, of course! thank you so much, come inside." soonyoung stepped out the way and let the taller inside. he walked in, looked around and walked a bit further and to the kitchen with soonyoung after he had shut the door. "you can set the basket on the counter if you'd like. i'm sorry for the mess, i'm still unpacking."

"no, it's fine." mingyu smiles and sets the basket down and opens it before turning to soonyoung. "so... welcome!" he laughed. "what's your name?"

"my name is soonyoung. kwon soonyoung, yours?" he returned the question and notices his hands fidget a bit.

"mingyu. kim mingyu. lawyer and part-time model."

"oh, cool. i'm a dancer." he felt a bit embarrassed saying that for some reason, which he never really did. he had always loved saying it to others, but it was somehow different with him. "age? i was born in 1996."

"oh, well that makes you the hyung i suppose. i was born in 1997." mingyu smiles. "i guess the shorter really is older." he laughed. mingyu had already felt comfortable around him. he was a huge jokester, so it was just the beginning.

"wow, okay~ i see how it is." soonyoung rolls his eyes playfully and laughs at his little joke. "you tall giant!" he gently hits mingyu's left arm before smiling. "i can see why you're a model, not gonna lie."

"i know, because i caught you staring at me. that's also why i came over here." mingyu smirked, leaning on the counter. "but you're so cute, i couldn't help myself." mingyu felt himself blush too, he couldn't believe he said that. he was a flirty person with people, but this was someone he had just met. he couldn't really help it though. he noticed soonyoung was laughing along, so it didn't show he was uncomfortable. that's why mingyu decided to continue anyway.

he watched as the shorter would shift around, not really sure on what to say. "well, i couldn't help myself either..." soonyoung said, scratching the back of his neck.

"well that's good! so, you should try my cookies." mingyu went to open the small baggie they were in. "i wanted to keep them nice and fresh. go ahead, help yourself." he smiled gently and allowed soonyoung to take a cookie, which he joyfully did. he looked at the other before taking a bite. for all he could know, it was poisoned and he could die any second. but no, the cookie was actually delicious and his eyes widened when he took the bite, the taste impacting his tongue in a way he never expected.

"wah, this is delicious! do you like cooking too?" soonyoung asked as he finished the cookie.

"yes, i really do. one of my favourite time passers." mingyu smiled. he was happy that soonyoung approved of his cookies, which means he got a step closer to being his friend.

mingyu didn't really know too many people in the area, but he was well known for his modelling sponsorships. he had an awful lot of fangirls, but he never seemed to have someone to rely on. he was a very friendly, outgoing person who loved to socialize, but lost some confidence when people wanted him just for his looks. he moved out here for a better life, and job wise, he did get that. but social wise, it wasn't a very good ride.

he checked his phone, it was currently 8:00 pm. mingyu thought that he should leave, and not try to become best friends with him immediately. but there was an odd connection he could feel between the two of them. it was something he's never really felt, but he liked the new feeling.

mingyu stopped himself from daydreaming, shaking his head when he felt a tap on his shoulder. "are you okay?" soonyoung asked, laughing.

"oh yeah, i'm alright. uh, i'm gonna go now. i hope you enjoy the cookies, and you can keep the basket as a house warming gift too. have a nice night!" mingyu bowed and smiled, showing off his canine's again. he left soonyoung's place, leaving the blonde with himself and his thoughts.

soonyoung smiled as he left, watching him walk back across the street. he squealed a bit, going back to his new living area.

"wow, i just talked to the cutest guy ever, and he thinks i'm cute too!" he jumped around, smiling like an idiot. even though he was happy, he did give off some, well, interesting vibes. they weren't bad, but they were vibes that confused soonyoung. he seemed like a great person and all, but something seemed a bit off.

soonyoung didn't want to think too much of it though. mingyu seemed like a great, sophisticated person. he wasn't going to judge immediately, so he just decided to continue on with his movie night.

he grabbed the cookies and went back to sit down, turning on the movie. but while he was watching, he just kept going through his head. it was quite hard to concentrate, and nothing seemed to help.

"maybe going to sleep will help me, i'm getting tired anyway." since his bed wasn't set up yet, he just had to sleep on his couch, which meant he couldn't escape the thoughts roaming around in his head.

he laid down, covering himself with his favourite crimson red fuzzy blanket, closing his eyes and letting the movie fill his ears. he was glad to finally start his new life, and in an interestingly different way than he expected.


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