⇝ seven.

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yesterday seemed to fly by in a flash, as soonyoung woke up that thursday morning, his limbs scattered on the bed like a starfish. when he realized he was awake, he shivered. soonyoung didn't know how cold his room was going to be, and he was a person that got very cold very easily. soonyoung got out of bed and wrapped a blanket around his body before going downstairs.

this morning, since he didn't sleep too well due to that anxiety of mingyu, he had a cup of coffee, pure black. he felt like an old soul whenever he drank coffee, but he loved the feeling he got from drinking it. it was like an energy potion, and how he always got so jittery whenever he drank a cup. the energy he was getting from it would be highly needed this morning to survive.

he still had a small worry deep in his chest about mingyu, soonyoung couldn't help himself but feel worried about his newly made friend. soonyoung had to stop and think for a second.

did he actually have a crush on mingyu?

he felt the feeling beginning to form, but he still wasn't sure if it was real or not. soonyoung wasn't going to let it get the best of him, but couldn't help but worry. he's never had something like this happen before. of course, they haven't been friends for too long, but soonyoung cares for him since he's the first person he had met here.

"it'll be okay soonyoung, just get your ass ready or you'll be late for work." soonyoung finished the coffee and went back to his room to finish getting ready. he put on some black basketball shorts and a white t-shirt before throwing on mingyu's hoodie and keeping the hood on today since he was too lazy to do anything with his hair. he put on his shoes and headed outside. he wasn't even in the mood for water or a small breakfast. just wanting to get the day over with.

soonyoung went out to start his car, but it wouldn't start for some reason. he tried really hard, but when he checked the engine, it was all messed up. he needed an oil change and some of the gears were messed up. this meant he had to spend money and fix the car. soonyoung groaned, smacking his car out of frustration.

"what the hell car?! i thought i could count on you, you broke piece of shit-" soonyoung growled and kicked the car before slamming down the lid and beginning his walk to work. it sucked because it was intensely hot outside since it was mid-afternoon, so he was already starting to sweat. he took off the hoodie and put it in his bag before continuing. thankfully his work was close enough that he could walk without dying.

today his group that he was teaching choreography to was practicing late, 3 to 10 pm. it was a bit odd, but that meant soonyoung got to sleep in and he absolutely loved it, so he wasn't going to complain one bit.

he arrived at the studio, greeting his co-workers and students with a small smile as they all arrived. one of his students, a tall brunette with blue eyes that sparkled of passion, asked if he was okay and said he looked 'anxious and at ease'. he simply replied, "don't worry, i'm just tired today. this afternoon hasn't been very fun. i just hope you guys make it better." and with a small laugh, he began the practice session.


mingyu made sure to step out of his house when soonyoung was officially out of his eyesight. he began to water his plants, humming softly to the song playing in his headphones. it didn't take him too long, but he also had other things to set-up for the weekend plans. mingyu went back inside after he finished his gardening and began to clean up his house.

he opened up the black curtains to let in the sunshine. even though he was just outside, the sunshine still hurt mingyu's eyes from being trapped in the darkness the whole week. he proceeded to clean the whole house: living room, kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom. the house he lived in wasn't too big. it was the perfect size for one person and that's all he needed.

once he finished the cleaning, he then began to set everything up. mingyu hung up strings of leaves around the house and small plants. the plant themed house he was hoping to have someday is now finally coming to life right in front of his eyes. a small smile formed on mingyu's lips as he finished the decoration and moved to the kitchen. he set up his table with nice dishes for a dinner date, in which he was hoping to have with soonyoung.

mingyu was a clueless puppy. he didn't realize how it was all going to go down and didn't realize how much of an effect he made on soonyoung with his actions. to say the least, mingyu wasn't going to get away with this. not one bit.

well, according to soonyoung, anyway.


stepping out of the dance studio, soonyoung made his way back to his home. it was pitch black outside, but the stars still glistened in the black sky. the moon shone down on him, lightly but not clearly exposing the path back. the blonde male began his journey back, making sure he took the right sidewalks and turns.

there was one thing he forgot to do, however. there was a time he had to cross the street to make sure he got to his house, not mingyu's. soonyoung was too tired and completely forgot to cross the street.

when he arrived at what he thought was his house, he thought for a minute. am i at the right house? why is it so dark outside at only 10? it's like pitch black out here. he continued to walk along the sidewalk. how come there's absolutely no street lights out here? what is up with this place? his questions began to annoy him as he smacked his head and continued to walk. he stopped before getting the feeling that he was definitely at his house. with the belief that going with his gut feeling is the best solution, he walked up to the door and went inside his house.

there was a different feeling though. his house felt a lot colder than usual, which might be the case since he dropped it to 65 degrees fahrenheit since it was so hot outside, even though soonyoung hated the cold. it was a good combination since it was around 90 degrees fahrenheit outside. around this time at night, it was a perfect 70 degrees outside. the floor was cold, and the whole house was pitch black.

the sound of footsteps began to grow louder as he realized that he wasn't in his own house. how am i dumb enough to not go into my own house? but this place seems familiar... soonyoung thought as he looked for a light switch and ended up turning the one on for the front entrance. he looked through the light and finally realized where when he saw mingyu come from around the hallway.

"soonyoung... what are you doing here?" mingyu asked in a shocked voice as he walked up to the shorter blonde. he definitely wasn't expecting him to suddenly walk into his house and demand answers. but, he couldn't really be surprised since he never kept his door locked.

"i-i don't... know?" he managed to spit out as he looked up at mingyu. he looked a bit different, however. his hair was black, split down the middle and half of it slicked back. his eyebrows sharper than a knife, with the combination of eyeshadow that defined his cat-shaped eyes and soft, red plump lips that spat out child-like words even if he looked like a smoking hot model. mingyu really knew how to dress and emphasize his positive traits, but he always acted so childishly. it was an... interesting combination to soonyoung. the aura he was giving off was powerful and intimidating, which is something he has never given off when soonyoung was with him. it was always a friendly, kid-like aura.

it was scary, of course. but, it was starting to make soonyoung sweat. the man was too damn hot and it was making soonyoung excited, yet curious.

mingyu stared at the other in confusion but also shock. was his other plan going to work? he pushed soonyoung against the front door, and with a smirk, he gently caressed the other's cheek.

"since you stepped into my territory, i guess you're mine now."

since plan a wasn't working out, mingyu had decided to use plan b. what exactly is plan b?

plan b: to make soonyoung his, but the quicker way.


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