⇝ four.

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"hey! why haven't you come over yet?"

soonyoung slightly tilted his head in confusion. was he supposed to go to his place?

"what do you mean? i was waiting for a text back!" soonyoung pouted, only earning the same action from mingyu, making the shorter blush a baby pink colour.

he couldn't help himself. mingyu's pout was just too cute.

"oh come on, i have a lot planned, just come!" mingyu smiled, taking soonyoung's hand and dragging him along.


the two men stepped inside mingyu's humble abode, the smell of butter and chocolate filling soonyoung's nose.

the first thing soonyoung wanted to do was observe.

the house was quite dark, as it was dimmed with black-out curtains in the living area, but not the kitchen. he was given a tour by the younger, showing him the main rooms like the bathroom and his bedroom. it was a small yet cute home, almost similar to his except mingyu had no upstairs. everything was on the first floor. he had pretty plants all around his house and lots of nature-themed accessories like branches, leaves, fake butterflies, and even some stuffed animals.

when he showed soonyoung his bedroom, however, he noticed a small stuffed bear connected to a keychain on a suitcase. he wanted to know what was in the suitcase, but he felt it was a bit inappropriate of him to ask.

so, it stayed a mystery.

they were now back in the living area, sitting on the couch. they spent the next hour talking about the last few days and other topics that would come into mind, like food and their jobs.

"hyung, do you want something to drink?" mingyu asked.

"sure, do you have coke?" he answered him with a question, smiling.

"yeah, i'll go get one." he playfully winked before getting up and going out to the kitchen.

it was playful soonyoung, calm yourself. soonyoung told himself as he felt his cheeks start to heat up for the 500th time that evening. he hated how the other seemed to find every which way possible to flirt with him, but he couldn't help but like it either.

when mingyu came back, they opened the cans of soda before talking some more. if they were going to be friends, they needed to know more about each other. they talked until the sunset, leaving it almost pitch black inside the room except for the small light that was coming from the few candles mingyu had displayed on the side table next to his couch. it perfectly lit soonyoung's face, making him almost glow. mingyu couldn't help but stare at him for a few seconds, stopping in his sentence.

it didn't seem to go unnoticed though.

mingyu finally caught himself, shaking his head out of the daydream. "i-i'm sorry hyung... you're just..." he was slightly murmuring to himself, but it was loud enough for the other to hear.

"i'm just what?" he asked in a low voice, turning his body so they were completely facing each other. he looked straight into mingyu's eyes, the ones that just so happened to be staring back.

"you're so pretty, you know that?" he blushes slightly from the embarrassment and cups soonyoung's cheeks, fangirling. soonyoung couldn't help but laugh and cup mingyu's cheeks.

"you're pretty too!" he smiles and pinches mingyu's cheeks gently. it was at that moment that soonyoung also got a closer look at mingyu's features. from his sharp jawline and eye shape to his soft squishy cheeks and plump lips. the ones that just looked so kissable to soonyoung.

he was too gay for this situation. and it was at that moment he knew he had something for the man, kim mingyu, sitting right in front of him.

but was he going to admit it? no way in hell. it's only been a week.

he did notice how friendly and outgoing the other really was, which at first may seem quite weird or creepy, but soonyoung was just glad someone was being nice to him. someone was actually taking a seemingly genuine interest in his life, and the man couldn't be more thankful for that.

that's when soonyoung realized he was dreaming himself, so he immediately snapped out of it and launched his body towards the taller's, hugging him tight. mingyu was a bit taken back, but immediately wrapped his arms around his hyung's waist and returned the tight hug. the two just decided to stay that way for a while, in the quiet yet comforting silence that surrounded them.

after a few minutes, mingyu was the first to let go, but soonyoung was not having any of that. he laid his head on mingyu's shoulder and smiled up at him. he returned the smile, finally breaking the silence.

"let me guess, you like cuddling?" mingyu asked, gently getting up so he didn't hurt soonyoung. "want to watch a movie? i can get drinks if you want to pick one out."

soonyoung thought before smiling back, his eyes brightening at the idea. "sure, i'd love to." he got up and went over to his dvd collection, picking out a horror movie. that seemed to be what was filling up the shelves the most, was horror and mystery. soonyoung wasn't complaining though, because that was his favourite genre. besides cooking, of course.

when mingyu got their drinks, he set up the movie and sat back down against the edge of the couch, motioning for soonyoung to come to him and sit between his legs. the elder gladly laid down, resting his head on mingyu's chest and wrapping his arms around his torso.

this all felt awfully surreal. he couldn't believe he was cuddling with his new friend. perhaps he liked it a bit too much. the thoughts made him unconsciously hug him a lot tighter, focusing on the movie to his best ability. soonyoung would occasionally look up at mingyu, and every time he did the other was staring at him. the amount of eye contact they made was crazy. every time their eyes would connect, soonyoung hugged him tighter.

half-way through the movie, soonyoung was starting to get really tired. his eye lids grew heavy and it was starting to get harder to focus. but he had one thing that was running through his mind.

"mingyu-ah," soonyoung said tiredly, looking up at the other.

"yes?" he looked down at him, running his fingers through soonyoung's blonde hair. this was making soonyoung even more relaxed, wanting to close his eyes so badly. but he just wanted to look at mingyu longer. it wasn't working though, so he gave up. he closed his eyes, laying his head back down.

"can i ask... are you okay with this? also, why are you so friendly to me? it's weird, no one ever is this nice to me." he spilled a little more than he intended, but he was way too tired to even care.

"hyung," mingyu froze, before placing a kiss on soonyoung's head.

"it's because i like you."

soonyoung immediately smiled, despite being a bit shocked. he mumbled a small "yeah, me too." that was barely audible, not sure if mingyu really heard it. but before he could get a reaction out that was more noticeable, he fell asleep. his body was too tired to produce more. but it's okay, because mingyu did hear it.

his idea was going according to plan.

shortly afterwards, mingyu had fallen asleep, but before he made sure to give soonyoung one more last kiss, this time on his nose. he would never kiss his lips without permission first. but hopefully that would be over soon.


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