just thought u should know

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edit: if your are starting to read this, please check out the last chapter, it is an authors note explaining my thoughts on the situation with ashley and why i am going to still leave this story up.

sooo this is my first story and i don't really know what i'm doing so if it sucks i'm really sorry. (also i write in lowrercase, im really sorry if it bothers you) also a quick disclaimer- the dudes in this story are straight af in real life.

walking to the library in the rain. how did i get myself into this one, all i wanted was to get away from home for the evening and i had ended up telling my mom some excuse about how  i was studying at the library with some freinds. after going to cc's house and having a couple cigarettes my mom texted me saying she would pick me up at the library in 30 minutes. great. 

i ended up at the library with 10 minutes to spare so i figured i would go inside  and look around. i was looking at some books and turned the corner to look at the next shelf when i ran into someone and dropped my phone. 

"holy shit, dude, watch out" i mutter, before realizing to my horror that i know the person who bumped into me. its not that i didn't like the person its just that i'm incredibly socially awkward and this was just going to make school even worse. 

"i'm sorry i didn't mean to run into you" ashley, the one i ran into says quickly, he then looks me up and down, "why don't i give you my num- wait iv'e seen you at school" oh god that's exactly what  i was hoping he wouldn't say.

"um my mom is gonna be here in a minute to pick me up so i kinda have to go."

*time skip because i'm the author and can do that*

 after an awkward dinner of convincing my mom that i'm not hungry i'm gonna text cc about what happened because he is honestly the happiest person i know, so he can probably help me figure this out.

andy: so i ran into purdy at the library and he reconized me and idk what to do

cc: just talk to him if he says hi at school, maybe if your lucky you can get him to fuck you

andy: nuuuu cc you know i cant just talk to people. i'm not good at it.

cc: i cant help you man, try and be his friend, idk

 welp guess i have another person that i just have to avoid.

hi its adrian and i know so much that this is definitly the cringiest shit you've ever seen, i'm really sorry i just wanted to try writing. things you like and and *constructive* critisism are encouraged.

         - adrian sleep deprived and sad

the boy from the library//andley ddlbWhere stories live. Discover now