all good things come to an end

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**::** hey guys, i just want to thank you all for reading this story. i know this seems like a weird part to end the story, but i just kinda lost motivation for it. i wasn't in a good place when i wrote most of this and i just don't feel comfortable continuing to write it. i wouldn't necessarily say i'm in a good place now, but i definitely have better coping mechanisms. also i've been clean from self harm for almost 7 months now and i'm really proud of myself. **::**

context: andy recovered amazingly after coming home from the hospital. andy's mother gave him some money to get back on his feet, and him and ashley both got jobs so that they had the money to move in with each other. it's been a couple of years of them living together.

**::**andy's pov.**::**

i was snuggled up with ash on the couch watching a movie with him on our labtop. i leaned over and planted a light kiss on his cheek,

"you know i love you, right?" i whisper into his neck.

"of course baby, i love you too." he murmurs back. 

i cuddle in close pulling our blanket up higher on my shoulders. 

**::**ash's pov.**::**

i love andy, he's my every thing. my boyfriend, my little, and the love of my life. i was cuddled up with him on the couch and everything was perfect. i couldn't have asked for more. 

i softly removed my hand from where it was resting on his thigh and intertwined our fingers. i began placing light kisses down his neck and collarbones, nuzzling my cheek into his neck.

**::** third person pov. **::**

ashley leaned up to capture andy's lips in his. andy leaned into the kiss. it was soft and filled with sighs and giggles. 

no matter what the two went through they would always work out. no matter what they lost, what one did, what they argued over, the pair was inseparable.

"i love you."

"i love you too."

**::** hey guys, i know it was short but i figured i should give you all some closure, and what better way to do that than fluff. i had a fantastic time writing this book, even if i was in a bad mental state. thanks for coming along for the ride.

                -with much love, adrian **::**

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