actually chapter 3

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*trigger warning*: *eating disorders and self harm are talked about in this chapter*

i was walking to school the next day with a guns'and'roses t-shirt on, with black skinnies, and black arm warmers to cover up my cuts. i get to school and skip my locker because i have the books for my first class in my bag, as i walk into the classroom i'm relieved to see that ashley isn't in my class, but i know he has the same lunch period as me and the class right after. 

i'm walking to lunch and see just who i didn't want to- ashley sitting at the table where i usually sit. i casually try to walk back out but feel a hand on my shoulder, "you should come sit with me, it doesn't really seem like you have anyone else to sit with, no offense."

"no offense taken," i mumble 

"ok well than come on," ashley says happily 

when we sit down at the table he pulls a granola bar and some goldfish out of his bag

"goldfish, really" i say, amused 

"don't judge,and hey are you gonna eat anything?" he responds 

"oh, um, i-i had a big breakfast," i say back. such an idiot, he definitly doesn't believe you, i think to myself. 

"oh, ok" just then the bell rings, signaling us to our next class, literature. normally i don't mind literature but now i don't think i would be able to pay attention if i tried. 

during class i sit in the back left hand corner, but today ashley sits next to me. honestly i don't even know why it's such a big deal like i had crushes before but i was never so awkward, maybe because he clearly knows  i'm starving myself. oh the pain of living.

*hai it's adrian ily all the people that see this idk why i'm leaving a note i think i'm just gonna leave one at the end of every chapter.

        - adrian, putting off homework right now 

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