the 6th chapter?

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**ok so trigger warning this chapter talks a lot about eating disorders and depression and self-harm i'm sorry but this one is a little dark, but i'm gonna give this fic a happy ending so don't worry**

i woke up from my nap and ashes was sitting beside me on the edge of the bed. i went to sit up and he glanced in my direction, "i'm gonna make you something to eat, ok baby," he stands up and to my surprise he picks he up and sets me on his hip causing me to let out a soft squeak, i must be to heavy for him to pick me up comfortably, right?

we went down to the kitchen and he set me on the counter, i had woken up in little space and think he could tell. he pulled a baby bottle out of the cabinet and i gave him a confused look, "it's my little cousin's but i figured you could use it for now," he stated as he put some milk and a little bit of vanilla in the bottle, he then put it in the microwave and picked me up as soon as the timer went off. he carried me on his hip with one hand while he held the bottle with the other hand.

we sat down on the couch with me being cradled in his lap, he pulled out the bottle and i panicked, one serving of white milk has about 100 to 120 calories in it but god knows how much is in the vanilla. i instantly put my hand over my mouth so that he couldn't give me the bottle, "baby boy," he said sternly, oh my god why am i like this, if he didn't know that i starved before than he definitely knew now. i still wouldn't remove my hand so he put the bottle down and grabbed a blanket, he put my arms down at my sides and wrapped me tightly in the blanket. in my moment of surprise he put the bottle in my mouth and i just excepted that i would have to drink it, grunting lightly while i was getting used to the bottle.

after i finished the bottle he took it to the kitchen sink and left me sitting on the couch, he then came back and carried me up to his room. "lets get you something to wear, huh?" as he went to the small bag i brought, digging out an old t-shirt and some black jeans. he came over to help me, who is still in little space, into my clothes.


i have cuts on my arms.

he comes over and pulls my shirt over my head, i keep my arms as tucked into my sides as much as possible, but when he tries to pull the new shirt over my head he gasps, "oh my god, baby why did you do this to your self?"

**yea i know this one is sad i'm sorry iv'e been going through a lot of shit mentally and have kinda started channeling it through this story so it's probably going to get pretty dark sometimes but i promise it will have a happy ending 

        -adrian, going out with some friends tonight for once in his life**

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