chapter twelveeeeee

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trigger warning: mild eating disorders and abandonment issues talked about in this chapter.**::**

i wake up to ashes gently shaking me awake, "hey baby, text your mom and tell her that your spending the weekend here for your birthday, i don't trust you alone." 

"m'kay." i mutter softly 

i get up and walk to the bathroom where my bag was discarded, i had lost my flannel at some point, so my bandaged arms where on full display. i dug through my bag until i  found my phone and quickly texted my mom.

andy: hey i'm gonna spend the weekend at my friend ashley's house, that ok?

mom: yeah that's fine.

it seems my mom is fine with pretty much everything i do, which is kinda sad but i appreciate the extra freedom. i walk up to ashes room and sit next to him on the bed. he almost immediately pulls me into his lap so that i'm straddling him, "what do you wanna do today?" he asks and he starts running his fingers through my hair. 

"i dunno." i say while i lean into his shoulder, "could i age down a bit, i just feel really overwelmed."  

"of course baby," ash says while he stands up,"lets go get you int some more comfortable clothes." 

he carries me over to his closet and pulls out an oversized metallica t-shirt then walks back over and sets me on the bed, he takes off my shirt and pulls the new shirt over my head, then slides off my jeans because the t-shirt went to about my mid thigh. he stands up and sits me on his hip, bouncing me lightly. we go downstairs and he takes me to the couch, and sets me down. 

"i'm gonna go heat up a bottle ok?" he says and then begins to walk to the kitchen. before he gets out of the room i pout and whimper slightly.

"aw is someone feeling clingy," ashy coos as he comes back and picks me up. ashy walks into the kitchen and begins to heat up a bottle, after he's done we go back to the couch and he sets down with me in his lap. he tries to give me the bottle but i take it out of his hands and set it down gently on the floor. 

"andrew," he says sternly with a twinge of frustration in his voice, "don't start acting up now."

i slowly whisper in response, "but i's alweady had coffee today."

ashley just shakes his head and says," andy i don't care if you had coffee, you still need to have something more." 

after he says that i crawl out of his lap and pick up the bottle. instead of giving it back to him i walk off to the kitchen and set the bottle in the sink.

"andy i hope you know your being a real brat." ashley says, oh no he sounds upset, your a bad little, bad little. he'll leave you just like everyone else.

**::** ashleys pov **::**

i walk into the kitchen and he backs away from me, but he slips and falls right on his butt. he innocent blue eyes brim with tears. i pick him up and he begins to steadily cry, helplessly grabbing the back of my shirt in tiny fists.

"shhhh baby boy your ok, just calm down for me, ok?" i say, rocking side to side, "did that hurt? i'm sorry baby i shouldn't have let you fall."

 after a couple more minutes andy starts to quiet down and i take him to the bathroom to get him cleaned up. almost as soon as i set him down on the counter he quietly asks, "is i a bad little?"

"oh baby no, you're a perfect little, my perfect little." i say tenderly. 

"i wuv you" 

i lean in and rest my forehead against his, "i love you, too."

**::** ok so yay another chapter, also two chapters in one week y'all are spoiled little shits

        -adrian, getting ready to leave for school. 

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