what even are my titles

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*trigger warning*: *minor talk of eating disorders*

i'm walking home from school when i get a text asking if this is andy, as i get home i ask who it is and they almost imededietly reply,

*random number*: its ashley, i got your number off of your friend cc.

ashley: sorry if that's weird.

andy: no it's fine, why did you wanna talk to me.

ashley: well i mean if you don't have anyone else to talk to. 

andy: no no i don't .

ashley: do you wanna meet at the park?

andy: yeah sure 

i fix my hair and leave my room, "mom, i'm going out with a friend." 

"okay, just  make sure you get something to eat, i didn't see you eat breakfast."

i walk out and when i get to the park i just walk around until i see ashley sitting on a bench, i sneak up behind him and grabbed his shoulders, he jumped so much you wouldn't believe it!

"i got you so good!" i shout, laughing so much i almost fall over.

"i'll get you back sometime for that you little shit." he says to me.  

we talk for a while about random stuff, music, family life, just general things but i realize i left at 4:30 and now its 6:00 and i should probably go if  i wanna get home before it gets dark. "hey ash, i should probably get going so my mom doesn't freak out so,"

no, it's fine, text me when you get home so i know you get there alright."

later when i'm home i  text him saying i got home and goodnight, he says goodnight too, and i lie, telling my mom that i ate dinner at a friends house, when in reality the only thing i had eaten was a ten calorie stick of gum during math.   

today was a good day.


it's adrian, and i wrote this book hoping to get some people who like this stuff to read it and then i realized that iv'e only posted three real chapters, like gees adrian, i also almost published this with a typo saying go hoe instead of good night

        - adrian, sick and probably staying home from school today 

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