i made it to ten

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**::**HOLY SHIT ok soooooooo this story has 119 reads and i never thought i would make it past like three, i just wanted to thank everyone who actually saw this like oh my god i'm freaking out. also this chapter is kinda a little stereotypical, i'm sorry. **::**

**::**trigger warning: mild mentions of self harm and eating disorders in this chapter**::**

**::**andy's pov**::**

i woke up the next morning feeling terrible, i had a migraine and my stomach hurt, i went to go check my temperature and sure enough i had a fever of 102.3. i walked to the living room to tell my mom that i was gonna stay home from school today.

"hey mom, i really don't feel good and i have a fever so i'm probably gonna stay home from school today, is that ok?"

"yeah that's fine, i'll call the school to let them know, but i have work today so will you be ok on your own?"

"yeah i'll be fine." i say as i walk back upstairs to my room to text ashley. 

andy: i feel like shit and i'm staying home from school

ashley: is your mom working?

andy: yeah, why?

ashley: i'm gonna skip school and come over

andy: won't your parents be mad?

ashley: what they don't know won't kill them

after that my mom leaves for work and i decide to take a quick nap, i wake up to ashley sitting on my floor beside my bed.

"what the hell dude, how the fuck did you get in here?"

ashley turns to look at me, "the door was unlocked so i came in and found my way up to your room."

he got quiet for a second then asked, "do you think you could eat anything?"

i decided to take my now not-so-bad stomachache to my advantage, and just shake my head no.

"do you wanna be little or stay big, huh?" he asked.

"little." i said quietly.

ok baby boy, do you have a paci anywhere?" he said, glancing around the room.

"u-um no, i don't really have anything for little me, i just haven't ever gotten anything." 

"i'll tell you what, i can order a couple things for little you for another time." he says, putting his hands under my arms and lifting me up.

"i'm surprised you can lift me, i figured i was to heavy for that." i say quietly, partially hoping he wouldn't hear .

"baby you're light as a feather, you need to figure that out." he says with an oddly sad look in his eyes, like sure it may be a "disorder" but still it's better than what i'm naturally like. 

he carries me downstairs and sits on the couch with me in his lap, straddling him.  i lean my head on his shoulder as he runs his fingers through my hair. i sit up and without even thinking peck him on the lips, i pull back and blush severely. he breaks out into smile and i bury my face in his neck.

"aww c'mon baby that was adorable." he says, trying to get me to sit up.

i relent and sit up still blushing, and smile ever so slightly at him, hiding behind my hair.

"do you have anything comfy to wear?" he says as i realize that i fell asleep in the clothes i wore yesterday. i hop off his lap and run up to my room,

"don't run on the stairs!" ashy shouts, getting up from the couch to follow me upstairs.

i get in my room and sit on my bed waiting for ashes, once he finally gets here i run over to my closet. after a little bit of rummaging i find my fuzzy onesie and show it to ashy, putting it in his arms.

the boy from the library//andley ddlbWhere stories live. Discover now