the 3rd real chapter?

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i wake up and thank god it's saturday, like  i don't think i could take another day of awkward. as i'm reading this book i found in my room i get a text from cc.

cc: did ashley text you cause i gave him your number

andy: yeah he did and we met up in the park

cc: dude that's sweet, would you consider it a date

andy: omg no

cc: well you guys should go out but i gtg so bye

as  i'm doing my hair i get another text, "that's weird," i mutter under my breath. i see that  it's ashley and i open my phone, he asked if i wanted to spend the night at his place, i said yes and now i'm on my way over to his house.

***ok so i'm just popping in to say that if you read the tags there's little, and little space in there so this is where some of that cgl stuffs come in so don't like don't read.***

i'm walking down the road as we both live in the same neighborhood pretty close to school, when i get there i knock on the door and he just yells to come in through the door, so i come in so see him in the living room on the couch, "you couldn't even bother to get up and walk like eight feet to the door," to that he just chuckles quietly.

"i figured it would be a good time to have a friend over since my parents are out of town this weekend, hey you wanna go up to my room?" he asks 

"yeah, sure"

we go up to his room and i walk in to a medium sized room with a queen sized bed with dark red blankets and a few posters on the walls, "it's not much but it's home," he says, then i realize i was staring. 

after a few hours of just messing around it's about 8:30, which probably doesn't seem to late, but for me, who is slowly slipping into little space, it seems late. 

"hey dude do you wanna watch a movie," he asks

"oh, um, yeah sure," i shouldn't have said that, now i'm definitly gonna slip into little space.

about half way through the movie iv'e slipped all the way, and even though i'm trying to hide it i think he's catching on, with how i keep rubbing my eyes with my fists, and clearly trying not to let baby talk slip into my speech. after a while i start to lean over onto his shoulder with how tired i am, 

"aw, are you tired little one," ashley says when i lay on his shoulder

 i try and will myself just to say no, but little baby me just goes "mhmm," and yawns softly.

"aw, come on baby lets put you to bed," he coos, he then picks me up and carries me back up to his bedroom, and lays me on the bed, he lays down with me and i start sucking my thumb, 

"nuh uh baby boy, thumbs don't go there," ashley says as he pulls my thumb out of my mouth, and gets a pacifier out of the drawer beside his bed. he places the paci in my mouth and i fall asleep, content.

***okie so guys it's adrian and i think this is the longest chapter so far, and i really like it so i'm probably going to update again today

       - adrian, super glad it's saturday***

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