i'm positive this is chapter 8

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***trigger warning: self harm and eating disorders in this chapter***

i was getting ready for school when i got a text from ashes,

ashley: do you wanna walk to school together??

andy: yeah sure

ashley: everything okay?

andy: yeah im fine, this weekend was great, i'll see you in  a few minutes

i finish up on my makeup and throw on a black hoodie, slipping on my converse and grabbing my bag i slip outside, yelling goodbye to my mom. i walk down the driveway and meet ashes at the road. 

"hi," i say quietly, looking down at my feet.

"hi baby," ashes says, "how have you been doin?"

"o-oh i'm fine what about you," 

"i'm great," he said, snaking his arm around my shoulders.

before i know it we're at school and i'm off to first period.


at lunch i'm sitting with cc and ashes, cc eating a shitty school lunch, and ashley having a gatorade and a sandwhich with some chips, me just sipping on a bottle of water

"so are you guys a thing now?" cc as with an eyebrow raised. i hadn't realized until then that i was practicly sitting in his lap, i look up at ashley in a slight panic!  as to what i should say. 

"yeah, i'm pretty sure we're a thing," ashley said looking down at me. 

"ok you guys have fun with that," cc says, getting up to leave for his next class.

"hey, andy, do you wanna come to my house tonight, my mom has a work meeting and my dad is going out with some friends so we'll be alone."

"yeah, definitely,"  the rest of the day went surprisingly fast with the hope of seeing ashley after school. when i was walking out to the parking lot to meet ashley and a brushed past a girl who shot me a dirty look and muttered something that i didn't catch, but was probably really bad, and with that i quickly walked back into the school, "ashley won't miss me if i'm a minute late," i thought, and walked quickly into the bathroom, pulling a small bag out of my bookbag that held one of my razors, i made a couple of lines across my forearm and one more a bit lower down on my wrist, "only three," i thought as i watched the thin lines start to bleed. i quickly grabbed some toilet paper and wiped away the blood and pulled down my hoodie sleeve. 

as i was walking out to finally meet ashes i silently scolded myself about how something that small shouldn't have gotten to me like that. i saw ashes standing a the end of the parking lot and walked up to him, hugging him from behind, "hi ashes," i said, with my face buried in his back. i let go and sent my mom a text saying i was going to a friends house after school. we grabbed hands and walked towards his house.

we got to his house and went into the living room, and ashy sat down on the couch, pulling me into his lap. i looked at him, my cheeks flushed a light pink. 

"do you wanna watch tv or go up to my room?"

"your room," i replied.

ashley picked me up and carried me up to his room, "do you wanna be little, baby" he asked softly, setting me down on his bed. 

"mhmm," i said, laying down and making grabby hands at ashy  to lay down with me, he complied, and wrapped his arms around me. after a little bit i fell asleep, wishing i didn't have to leave later tonight,

***hi its adrian and i kinda think these chapters are getting better, but i had a rough day and probably won't read through this completely soooo if the editing isn't very good i'm really sorry but i have the next couple chapters planned out so more soon. also did anyone get the reference in there? :)

        -adrian, who is in denial about there being school tomorrow***

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