chapter 14 right?

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**::** trigger warning: suicide, self harm, and eating disorders **::** 

i can feel myself waking up but i don't open my eyes yet, instead i just let out a small whine at the pain in my stomach. 

"andy, oh my god are you awake? are you okay?" i recognize the voice as ashley's. slowly peeling my eyes open and grimacing at the light of the room i manage a small smile. "hey baby boy, your mom went to get something to eat but she'll be here in a bit, you worried us sick. don't ever do anything like that ever again, ok?" 

i nod my head yes and softly ask, "can i have some water?" 

"of course, i have a glass from earlier, is it ok if i drank out of it?" 

"y-yeah that's fine," i meekly reach out and take the water, "i'm sorry." 

"what are you sorry for baby?"

"everything, i just..." right as i was about to finish my sentence my mom walked in. 

"oh andy, your awake, are you ok, have the doctors said when you can get out?" 

"i'm fine and no, they haven't said anything, i don't think they know i'm awake." 

"ok, well in that case, ashley could i talk to andy alone for a moment?"

after she says that ashley nods his head and walks out into the hallway. 

"ok andy," she says, "ashley told me that you two are dating, and it's not your fault but i have coworkers to impress and a reputation to uphold, you should know that, and it's, it's just, you can't stay with me anymore. i'm sorry but i have to go, i had to take up a shift, alright? you can make do staying with ashley until you get on your feet, right? i mean your 18 anyway. i've got to go, i'm really sorry, bye." she says speed walking out the door. before the door swings shut behind her ashley walks in. 

"what was that about?" he asks.

"mom kicked me out because we're dating." 


"i said, she kicked me out! how hard is that to understand?" i shouted 

"hey, don't get an attitude with me baby. the doctor said you can go home today as long as you take care of your stitches and rest a lot." he says, a warning tone in his voice. 

**::** time skip to when they're at ashley's **::**

we get home and he comes around to my side of the car, picking me up and carrying me into the house. 

"put me down!" i whine, generally not in a good mood

"no, get used to me coddling you, there's gonna be a lot of it for the next several weeks."

i comply and rest my head on his shoulder, "what are we gonna do now?" 

"if i'm being honest i was hoping to get you into little space a lot of the time so your stitches could heal without me worrying about you doing something." 

"that makes sense." i mutter quietly. 

ashley sits down on the couch setting me in his lap, "i'm gonna go get you a bottle, ok?" 

"why do i always have to have a bottle?" i whine.

"because first of all, i'm trying to ease you into little space, second, you eat so little i'm not sure if you can keep down much more." 

i just huff quietly and cross my arms over my chest as ashley moves me off his lap and goes to get a bottle.  

not wanting to just sit on the couch i walk into the kitchen and sit on the counter, "hey baby boy, the bottle is almost done." 

just as the bottle was finished heating up ashley picks me up setting me on his hip, once we get back in the living room ashley sits on the couch pulling me into his lap. 

"can i have the bottle later?" 

"baby, just have it now, you need something in your system." 

"why?" i said, dragging out the y. 

"c'mon andy just have the bottle." ashley sighs.

"i don't wanna though."

"andrew stop whining or your gonna have to sit on the step for five minutes."

"no, just stop it, why can't you understand that i'm fat enough already and i don't need your fucking bottle that you think is just gonna magically make me gain weight! i honestly don't even fucking know why you want me to gain so much weight, like sure it's a disorder but it's better than what i'm like normally!" oh no, i shouted a lot louder than intended.

as soon as i was done saying it ashley wordlessly picks me up under the arms and carries me over to the stairs, setting me down on the bottom step, "i'll be back in five minutes, ok?" 

after what felt like an eternity of silently crying i feel a pair of arms snake around my waist and pick me up, "shh baby boy, you'll be fine. lets go to the bathroom and get you cleaned up ok?" 

he sets me down on the bathroom counter and starts running his fingers through my hair, "ashy, do you still love me?"

"oh baby, of course i still love you, i'll always love you."  after he gets me to calm down and cleans me up a bit he picks me up and carries me downstairs.

sitting down on the couch with me straddling him he asks, "now can you drink your bottle like a good boy?" 

"mhmm," i hum quietly, slipping slowly to sleep. 

**::** soooo sorry this took so long to get out but i just haven't been very motivated lately and i know no one reads this so i figured a couple slow updates wouldn't kill anyone.

        -adrian, reading the new malec book, "the eldest curses" 

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