the shitty version of 9 after the original got deleted

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 *trigger warning: self harm and minor eating disorders*

i woke up from my nap and realized to my horror that ashley was sitting across the room in his chair with my jacket at his feet,  he must of heard me rustle the blanket because he looked over and i quickly pretended to be asleep.

"i know your awake andy," he got up and came over to sit on the edge of the bed, causing me to whimper slightly, he probably saw everything, "a guess you know what i wanna talk about?"

i feel myself getting little and my eyes well up with tears, "i-i'm sorry, please don't l-leave me."

"baby i would never leave you," he said as he picked me up and set me on his lap," just tell me why you did it, what happened?"

"this girl was mean and it made me upset and i know it shouldn't have gotten to me and i know was stupid  and i was being stupid just please dont leave me i'm sorry just don't leave please, promise it's getting better i'm trying to get better, your just the best thing to happen to me in forever and please don't yell at me i'm really sorr-" at his point i'm sobbing and shaking in his arms

"baby boy your fine i'm not mad and i promise i'm not going to yell at you," he says as he stands up, me still in his arms. by now the tears have stopped, and reduced to nothing but sniffles and the occasional hiccup. he gets up and starts to walk downstairs, " don't think your getting off the hook though," he says as he sets me down so i'm sitting on the bottom step.

*ashleys pov* *trying something new :)*

andy's eyes widen and fill up with tears , it honestly hurt to see him like this.

"no no no, dun weave, pwease *hiccup* no weave," he was definitly getting little, probably smaller than i had seen him yet.

"baby i'm sorry, it's only five minutes since this is your first time getting in trouble."

"no weave" he whispered, looking down at his lap.

"i'm sorry, i'll be back in five minutes." i went and sat on the couch, waiting for the timer to go off.

five minutes later and i'm rushing back to andy, i see him curled up in a little ball . i pick him up and set him on my hip, "i'm sorry baby, i'm gonna get you a bottle now, ok?"

*andy's pov*

he said he was gonna get a bottle but i was so little i didn't fully comprehend the situation and  just lay limp in his arms. he heated up the bottle and sat down on the couch, cradling me.

"are you gonna sit still, or do i have to swaddle you again?" he said looking down at me in his lap. at first i went to cover my mouth but he shot me a stern glance and i put my hand back down.

"i'll be good." i said, not wanting to get in trouble again. he gave me the bottle and i drank it willingly, but it didn't hit me until i met ashley how easy it was for me to gain weight once he started making me eat more, i had already gained a couple pounds.

"ok baby, i love little you but i need to take you home so can you be big for me?"

"oh um yeah," i said, "i didn't realize how late it was."


we walk up my drive way and i head up to the front door, "bye" i say to ashley, a the end of my driveway.

"goodbye, see you tomorrow." he shouts, before heading back in the direction of his house. 

*this re-write is shorter than the original so i'm sooo sorry but i'm gonna try to get anther chapter out in a couple days to make up for it

        adrian, just finished a good book and is having a mental breakdown* 

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