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lane allowed the horrible music to consume him as he swayed to the simple beat. with a cheesy bass and continuous drums, lane began to free his thoughts through the music. music filled his ears, and dancing filled his soul. until he was bumped back into reality. down he came from space back into the arms of a very handsome man. lightly pushing himself away lane continuously apologized for whatever it was that he did.

'no,' a finger was placed on lane's lips to keep him from talking. 'this was my fault, allow me to make it up to you.'

still shaken up, all lane did was stand there rudely staring at the man. he was dressed effortlessly yet it seemed so complicated. he had on what seemed like interstellar-gator skin boots and what looked like a bit of mascara.

'maybe a drink, perhaps,' that's when it hit him: a soft and sweet louisiana accent snapped him out of his daydreams.

'that would be great,' lane respond ever so carefully trying not to trip over his own words.

the pair made their way over to the bar and ordered a drink. after getting his, lane sat there sipping on his tonic and gin quietly, but he felt a pair of eyes staring at him. 'awfully quiet aren't you cher,' the cowboy spoke up.

'well, no ones really talking.'

'what's the name, cher?'


'beautiful,' the cowboy whispered as he brought his hand to lane's face, he softly brushed a hair away from his eyes.

'arkadois, but cher you,' the man said sweetly. ' you can call me ara'

'ara?' lane questioned the name. 'only me.'

'yes, cher only you.' ara bopped lane's nose childishly and moved back into his seat. 'now tell me, what brings such a pretty boy to such a boring club?'

being a smart-ass lane responded 'looking for you,' this time with his sudden newfound confidence lane bopped ara's nose.'for me?'

'well for someone much like you, at least' the lighting in the club did ara no justice, his dark complexion out shown any sun and unconquered curls sprang loose from what seemed to be the essence of a man bun. ara's eyes are what really stole the show, they were drowningly beautiful, lane thought as if those chocolate circles where hiding a galaxy behind them.

'are you done, cher' ara asked in response to lane's staring. 'you know a picture would last long'

'oh, terribly sorry.' lane became embarrassed and blushed looking at the floor.

'no need to be cher, the longer you stare at me, means the longer I can return the favor.' once again moving to the edge of his seat ara brought his hand up to the boy's face and pushed his chin up so their eyes locked. 'no need to feel ashamed for doing what you want to, cher.' this caused lane to blush even more. he had trapped himself into ara's mind and soul.

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