Chapter 3 The vytal festival attack

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Its been a month since y/n was taken and was forced to become a hunter. Hes hated every second but while y/n was playing school boy dutch and the rest of the gang have finally developed a plain to finally get y/n back. This chapter takes place during the vytal festival its durring the final match. Let our story begin. 

Johns pov

I was sitting there thinking about my son and how he sacrificed himself to save the gang when all of the sudden arthur walked into my tent.

Arthur: John todays the day!

John: What do you mean?

Arthur: Today's the day we bring your boy home.

John: Are you for real?!

Arthur: Yeah dutch has the plains all drawn up come on.

John: Ill be right out.

I quickly grab my old revolver and my new revolver that i bought when i gave y/n my old revolver. After that i grab my rifle and put it on my back. After that i walk out to see dutch and arthur loaded out with there weapons.

Dutch: Ok heres the plain today beacon is hosting something called the vytal festival all the major teams are going to be competing in a giant combat tournament. Once the final round comes we will blow a hole into the arena and take the 2 students that were going to fight hostage we will then demand a trade the hostages for y/n. After that we escape with y/n and leave beacon behind.

John: Thats so crazy but it just might work!

Arthur: And if anyone trys to stop us we got the rest of the gang on standby to help us fend them off.

John: Alright lets go get my boy back!

Dutch and Arthur: yeah!

Time skip to the final round of the tournament yang and mercery are just about to face off. Its y/ns pov

I was sitting there writing in my journal when all of the sudden i felt ruby tap my shoulder.

Ruby: Look y/n the battles about to start!

Y/n: Good i hope one of them die.

Blake: Aww come on y/n when are you gonna accept that your a huntsmen now.

Y/n: Simple never. 

Weiss: Whatever the battles about to start anyways you dunce.

I started to watch the battle but just as the announcer was about to yell start a hole is blown into the arena.

Ruby: Wait what the heck?!

Blake: Wha?!

The crowd looks shocked as the panic slowly sinks in. After the dust clears i see a group of people i never thought i would see again. It was dutch and the rest of the gang.

Dutch: Ladys and gentlemen may i have a bit of your time?!

Arthur grabs yang and holds a revolver to her head as john grabs the silver haired boy and holds his revolver to his head.

Ruby: Yang no!

Ozpin quickly drops down into the arena and draws his cane but arthur gets ready to shoot yang. Ozpins eyes widen knowing that if he even mores an inch yangs dead.

Arthur: Heres the deal you sick son of a bitch you give us y/n and we let your students here go. If you dont we will blow there brains out.

Ozpin stands there thinking for a second before he nods.

Ozpin: Fine...

I smirk as i stand up and quickly drop down into the arena. i walk past ozpin and smirk at him.

Y/n: I told you they would come for me.

Ozpin: You little basterd! i offered you freedom and you chose to work with these criminals!

Y/n: Its simple oz once an outlaw always an outlaw. 

Ozpin: You know if you leave ill just track you down and kill you.

Y/n: Your welcome to try oz.

I walk up to dutch and smile at him. he smiles back at me and motions for me to get behind him. I nod and get behind him and we slowly start to back up twords the hole in the wall all the while still holding onto our hostages. Once we are far enough we push them twords ozpin and quickly start running. We then hear a ozpin scream for someone to go after us.

Ozpin: Team rwby qrow team jnpr anyone kill them now!

Y/n: Ummm guys theres one problem with your plain theres 27 of us and like 500 hunters how are we escaping!

John: Simple improvise! 

As we are running john draws a Molotov and throws it at the wooden support beams. 

Y/n: Oh i get it we are gonna distract them by lighting beacon on fire!

John: Now your using your head boy!

I quickly draw 2 sticks of tnt and light them up. I throw them at some of the support beams making part of the building collapse behind us. We keep running threw the halls blowing up every support beam we can. Eventually we make it to the entrance of beacon only to see charles and Hosea waiting there with the rest of the gang. 

Hosea: Jesus christ did you really have to light half of the school on fire?!

Dutch: Hey it will distract them so we can make our escape.

Y/n: Yup now come on lets get outta here!

Dutch and the other members of the gang get on there horses but just was we were about to leave a black ribbon pulls me off of my horse and sends me to the ground. 

Y/n: The hell?!

I look up only to see blake running at me. She trys to stab me with her sword but i quickly dodge it and trip her making her fall to the ground. Arthur quickly jumps off of his horse and uses his lasso to tie her up. 

Blake: Hey get your hands off of me!

Y/n: Sorry but your coming with us!

I quickly kick her in the face knocking her out. I then finish tieing her up and throw her on the back of my horse. We ride off leaving ozpin to clean up his mess. 

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