Chapter 11 The raven and the outlaw.

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A/n: This chapter takes place 3 days after the last chapter since then y/n and his gang have traveled more and more twords haven due to the fact that charles has been seen around that area. But little did y/n and his gang know that a certain raven has been following them this whole time. Let our story begin 

Y/ns pov

I was sitting down writing in my journal when all of the sudden blake walks up to me and sits in my lap preventing me from writing anything else. 

Blake: Hiya hun.

Y/n: Heh hey kitten.

She smiles and kisses my lips softly. I smile and kiss back and soon that kiss turns into a heated make out session. I slowly pet blakes ears making her purr. But just as we were about to go further i hear arthur call for me.

Arthur: Hey y/n you might wanna come look at this!

Blake quickly gets off of my lap and i quickly grab my hat and put it on. I also grab my revolvers and my shotgun as i walk outside to see arthur standing there along with blake. I walk over to them only to see a woman wearing a grimm mask standing there. I quickly draw one of my revolvers and aim it at her.

Y/n: I'm only gonna ask you this once who the hell are you?

???: You really dont remember me y/n?

Y/n: What are you talking about? I dont even know you.

???: Maybe this will help you.

The woman slowly removes her mask to reveal that its the only person who loved me when i lived with qrow and taiyang. It was my aunt raven.

Y/n: A-aunt raven..

Raven: Its good to see you again my little cowboy.

Some tears run down my face as i quickly run up to her and hug her. She smiles and hugs me back and looks into my eyes.

Raven: Look at how much you have grown. 

Y/n: Yeah i know after i ran away i was trained in fighting by my uncle dutch.

Raven: Wait uncle?

Y/n: Yeah i sorta adopted him as my uncle after i left qrow and the others. 

Raven: Well remind me to thank him later.

I look down as a tear runs down my face. Arthur and blake also look down in sadness.

Y/n: Uncle dead..he was killed by ruby.

Raven: Oh my god i'm so sorry y/n.

Y/n: Its ok but enough of that what are you doing here?

Raven: well i wanted to see how strong my nephew has become. I also wanted to talk to you about something else.

Y/n: Oh and what would that be?

Raven: Well me and my tribe are really powerful and from what i can see your gang is very powerful too.

Y/n: That is true.

Raven: So i was thinking what if me and my tribe joined up with you and your gang?

My eyes widen as i look at raven with a look of pure shock. Blake and arthur also give her this look. I then smile and nod.

Y/n: It would be an honor to have you and your tribe join us.

Raven smiles and nods as she motions for me and arthur to follow her back to her tribe. We nod and follow her only to see a group of around 100 people working on packing there bags. I turn to raven and give her a look.

Y/n: Hey raven about how many people do you have in your tribe?

Raven: I would say around 120.

Arthurs eyes widen as he looks at me in shock.

Arthur: So your saying that we are gonna have a small army?!

Raven: Yup.

Blake: Thats amazing!

Blake looks at me with a smile. I smile back at her and the 4 of us start to help the tribe members pack up there camp. 

Timeskip 3 hours later. y/ns pov

3 hours have passed and we finally have ravens tribe all packed up. After that we start to walk back to my camp with our new gang members. When we get there john and the others look at me in shock.

John: Son....thats alot of people.

Y/n: Yeah you can thank my aunt for that.

Raven: Hey i was just helping my nephew out i mean your basicly like a son to me y/n.

Y/n: But what about yang shes your daughter. 

Raven: She was too weak but you on the other hand your not afriad to get your hands bloody.

I nod and show raven to her tent. She smiles at me and walks inside. After that i start to help the other tribe members set up there tents. 

Y/ns thoughts: This is amazing now we have an even larger gang. No one will ever mess with us and we dont have to worry about ozpins lackeys.

I lay down in my tent and fall asleep thinking about all of the new possibility's. 

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