Chapter 4 Homecoming.

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A/n: This chapter takes place right after the last one the gang is riding back to camp. Let our story begin.

Y/ns pov

I was riding back to camp with the gang as we are riding i hear blake slowly start to wake up.

Blake: W-where the hell am i?! you better release me right now!

Y/n: Shut your mouth before i shut it for you!

Dutch looks back at me was we are riding.

Dutch: Did you really have to take her back with us?

Y/n: She probably has some information that we could use.

Blake: Like i would ever tell you guys anything!

Y/n: Thats what Micah bell said when we found out that he was working for the Pinkerton and guess how he turned out? He turned out dead.

Arthur: Dang straight micah was a fucken snake but we caught him.

Blake goes silent as we ride back to camp. When we get there i quickly get off of my horse and grab blake and quickly bring her over to a tree. I then tie her to it and leave her there to go reunite with dutch and the others.

Dutch: Everyone y/ns back we got him back!

My mother abigail sees me and runs up to me. She hugs me close as tears run down her face.

Abigail: Oh my baby boy i'm so glad your safe!

Y/n: I missed you so much ma.

Abigail: Please dont ever scare me like that again.

Y/n: I promise ma i wont.

Just then i feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see john standing there.

John: Its good to see you again boy.

I smile as he ruffles my hair and gives me a hug. after that john walks over to go grab us some beers to celebrate.

Arthur: Its good to have you back y/n.

I smile and hug Arthur. He returns the hug and quickly goes to grab a beer from john.

Dutch gives me hug too and i smile and hug him back.

Dutch: Your a survivor kid i'm proud of you.

Y/n: Thanks uncle dutch.

Dutch: Hey come on this is your party come have a beer.

Y/n: But i'm only 17 

Dutch: Who cares!

Y/n: Not me.

I quickly walk over to john and grab a beer. We all start singing songs and goofing off. After a few hours i was proper drunk. arthur walks over to me and pats me on the back. Hes clearly drunk too.

Arthur: Heyyyyy y/nnn why is there 2 of you?

Y/n: i dooont know unnncle arthur why is there 4 of you?

John quickly joins us and let me tell you he looks even more drunk the arthur and me combined.

John: Heyyyyy duuuutch is that youu?

Y/n: Noo pa its meeee y/n

Arthur: Yoooour clearly druuunk john.

After that we keep drinking and eventually i black out.

Timeskip the next day.

Y/ns pov

I slowly open my eyes to see that im laying in the middle of camp with 5 bottles of rum next to me. I slowly sit up only to realizes that i have a big ass hangover.

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