Chapter 6 The death of an outlaw.

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This chapter takes place a month after the last chapter since then blake has become a full on outlaw and now shes helping dutch and the gang plain out the train heist. Let our story begin. 

Y/ns pov

Me and blake were sitting with dutch and the others trying to figure out the plain for the train heist. 

Dutch: Ok so heres the plain y/n and i are going to ride along side the train and we are gonna jump onto it from our horses. Then once we are both inside of the vault we are going to start throwing bags of money out of the train. Now this is where arthur and john and blake are going to ride along side the train in a carriage. Me and y/n will break into the vault and throw the money out to you 3 and you guys will load it onto the carriage. After all of the money is out of the vault you 3 will leave and me and y/n will jump off of the train and back onto our horses and ride off into the night.

Blake: But what if Qrow or the rest of team rwby shows up?

Dutch: Simple me and y/n will take care of them.

Arthur: Sounds simple enough now lets do this.

Dutch: Remember we only have one shot at this so failure is not an option. 

I nod and so do the others and dutch motions for us to get on our horses. So we do as we are told and ride off into the night.

Time skip an hour later still y/ns pov

Me and dutch were approaching the train with our guns drawn ready to rob the train blind. As we ride along side it dutch turns to me and speaks.

Dutch: Remember stick to the plain y/n. 

Y/n: I know uncle dutch.

Dutch quickly jumps onto the train and i quickly jump onto it aswell. Dutch then drops down into one of the train cars and kills the guard. I smirk at him as i drop down next to him and walk into the train car only to see a bunch of money bags.

Dutch: We hit the jackpot!

Y/n: Fuck yeah we did!

I grab 2 of the bags and walk quickly climb onto the roof of the train. Just then i see blake and the others riding along side the train with the horse draw carriage. 

Y/n: Heads up!

I throw both of the bags onto the carriage and dutch does the same. We then quickly drop back down into the train car and grab more bags. We repeat the process until theres only one bag left in the train car.

Dutch: Alright y/n this is the last bag ill let you do the honors.

I smile and grab the last bag After that i throw it onto the carriage. Dutch then motions for blake and the others to ride off. But just as they were about to ride off blake points behind us.

Blake: Guys we got hunters!

My eyes widen as i turn around to see a bullhead flying along side the train. 

Dutch: Shit blake get the money out of here me and y/n will deal with this.

Blake: Yes sir.

Blake and the others ride off with the money and me and dutch turn around only to see that the remaining members of team rwby are standing there with there weapons drawn.

yang: Its over y/n give up!

Y/n: No! I will never give up!

Yang: Have it your way. Qrow ruby now!

My eyes widen as i turn around to see qrow and ruby jump out from one of the train cars.  ruby quickly trys to stab me with her scythe but right before the blade can stab me dutch move in front of me taking the blade threw his gut. My eyes widen as dutch spits up blood and falls over. I quickly catch him and hold him in my arms.

Y/n: No no dutch please stay with me your gonna be ok!

Dutch spits up blood as he looks at me.

Dutch: y/n......its.....ok...dont cry...

Y/n: Please dont go uncle dutch please stay with me.

Dutch: Sorry....kid but the end of the line...for me.

Dutch slowly closes his eyes as blood runs down his torso. I try to feel his heart beat only to realize that he doesn't have one. 

Yang: ruby what the heck!

Ruby: I took one of them out yang thats a good thing.

Yang: You cant just kill someone in cold blood dutch was suppose to be put on trial!

Qrow: Y/n...this was for the best he was using you for his own gain....

Tears run down my eyes as i slowly stand up. My normal sliver eyes start to glow white as i turn around to face them. 


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Ruby: Y/n....are you ok?


Rubys eyes widen as i deliver a blast of silver light at her burning part of her face and sending her flying off of the train. 

Yang: Ruby!

My eyes glow white as i hold my hand out and create a scythe.

My eyes glow white as i hold my hand out and create a scythe

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Yang: Ill kill you for hurting my sister!

Yang runs at me and trys to punch me but i quickly deliver a hard kick to her gut sending her flying off of the train. Qrows eyes widen as i slash him over and over with my scythe before i throw him off of the train. Weiss trys to run at me but i cut her rapiar in half before i throw her off of the train aswell.

After that my eyes go back to normal and i fall off of the train. But lucky for me my horse catchs me and brings me back to camp. 

Time skip to when y/n gets back to camp y/ns pov still.

When i get back to camp blake quickly runs up to me and helps me off of my horse.

Blake: Wheres dutch?

I look at blake as tears run down my face. John and Arthur walk up to me wanting to know where dutch is aswell. 

John: Y/n whats wrong?

Y/n: Dutch....hes dead....ruby killed him.

Arthur: That little demon! 

I nod as blake quickly hugs me. I hug her back as tears run down my face.

Blake: Its ok we will burry him tomorrow..

I nod as blake helps me back to my tent. 

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