Chapter 8 The shadows of our past.

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This chapter takes place a year later y/n and blake have settled down with John Abigail and arthur on a small ranch and they have started to live a normal life for the most part. But what happens when cinder tracks them down while trying to find the relic. Well lets find out let our story begin. 

Y/ns pov

I was riding along in a wagon with blake heading back to our small ranch. 

Blake: I wonder how the rest of the gang is doing. 

Y/n: I'm sure there fine.

Blake: I know but sometimes i miss them alot.

I nod as i turn the wagon onto the small path that leads to our ranch. As we pull up to the house i see john working on the new fence.

Y/n: Hey pa we're back!

John: Ah welcome back boy how was your trip? 

Y/n: It was good we got some food.

John: Thats good arthur is in the barn milking some cows and Abigail should be inside making dinner.

I nod as me and blake get out of the wagon and move the supply's into the house and we put them in the fridge. 

Y/n: Hey ma.

Abigail: ah hello y/n did you get those eggs that i needed?

Y/n: Yup there right here.

I put them in the fridge and abigail nods and goes back to cooking. After that i sit down and grab the newspaper and start reading it. Blake sits next to me and leans her head on my shoulder. I Smile as i start petting her cat ears. Blake smiles as she lets out some small purrs before falling asleep. I let out a sigh as i go back to reading the paper only for the front door to open and arthur walks in holding a bucket of milk.

Arthur: Oh hey y/n how was your trip into town?

Y/n: It was good me and blake got ma some eggs and we also bought some more seeds for our farm.

Arthur: Thats great anyways i gotta put this milk in the fridge so ill talk to you later.

I nod and arthur walks into the kitchen to put the milk in the fridge. After that abigail calls us into the kitchen for dinner. So i wake blake up by shaking her a little and the both of us walk into the kitchen and sit at the dinner table.

John: So arthur did we sell any of our crops today?

Arthur: Yeah one guy bought almost all of our corn and another guy bought some of our carrot.

I take a bite of my food as i listen to my family talking about how there day went. But just then i hear someone yelling from outside of the house.

???: Y/n marston get out here right now!!!

My eyes widen as i know that voice its cinder fall the girl who was fighting ozpin during the fall of beacon. But why was she here?

Blake: Y/n?

Y/n: Its ok ill handle this.

My family nods as i stand up from the dinner table and walk into the living room. I open a drawer to show my revolvers. I smirk as i grab them and put them along with my old belt and put it on. I also put both revolvers into there holsters.  i then grab my shotgun from the wall that it was resting on and put it on my back. Finally i walk outside to see cinder standing there with the green haired girl and the silver haired guy there weapons drawn.

Y/n: What do you 3 want?

Cinder: We want the relic so give it to us or we will kill you and your whole family!

The 3 of them get into there fighting stances but i just chuckle. 

Y/n: Look you guys dont wanna do this trust me.

Cinder: Enough talk either give us the relic or we will ki-

I cut cinder off by drawing both of my revolvers and using my dead eye to shoot her swords out of her hands. Emerald comes running at me with her sickles. She trys to slash me but i quickly dodge it and fire 2 shots into her side sending her stumbling back. Mercury runs at me and trys to kick me but i quickly slide under the kick and fire 2 shots into his back. Cinder quickly summons her swords again and starts running twords me. But as shes running twords me. But i draw my shotgun and shoot her right in the gut sending her flying threw a tree. Emerald slowly recovers and quickly slashes me across the side before she delivers a hard punch to my jaw. I grunt in pain as i quickly fire 2 shots into her sending her to the ground. Taking this chance i aim my shotgun right at her head making her eyes widen in fear. Cinders eyes also widen in fear so do mercurys.

Cinder: Emerald!

I smirk as i keep my shotgun trained on her ready to blow her brains out if any of cinders group moves.

Y/n: Ok heres the deal i want you to leave this place and never return. 

Cinder glares at me but she slowly starts to back away so does mercury. As there walking i shove emerald over to them and all 3 of them run off.

Y/n: Fucken jackasses.

I head back inside only to see john and the others standing there. Blake runs up to me and hugs me. She then starts to treat the small cut on my side.

John: What happend?

Y/n: Cinder and her team came here looking for the relic but i kicked there asses. 

Arthur: But wait what if they come back with more forces.

Y/n: Simple if they come here again all 4 of us will deal with it.

John: You got that right.

I nod as i put my revolvers back in the drawer and i also rest my shotgun back up ageist the wall.

Blake: Well i'm tired from the long day of buying stuff i'm gonna turn in for the night.

Y/n: Yeah same here.

Arthur: Yup ill see you guys in the morning.

John: Night boy night blake.

Y/n: Night ma night pa.

Abigail: Night y/n.

All of us head off to bed but little did i know that a certain crow was watching the whole fight between me and cinder.

Qrows pov

After the fight with y/n and cinder i flew back into town to tell ruby what i found.

Qrow: ruby!

Ruby: Whats wrong uncle qrow?

Qrow: I found y/n hes living on a small ranch with blake.

Ruby: Ok well lets just hope that he will help us.

I nod as i head off to bed leaving ruby to herself.

Rubys pov

Rubys thoughts: Y/n please i hope you can forgive me for killing dutch...

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