Chapter 12 The attack of haven.

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A/n: This chapter takes place right before the haven battle y/n along with his gang have been planing to storm haven. Thanks to ravens inside info on cinders plain y/n is going to take out 2 birds with one stone. Hes gonna kill team rwby and cinders forces. Let our story begin.

Y/ns pov

I was sitting with john and arthur and raven discussing the plains on how to storm haven academy. Our goal is to find charles and to take out team rwby and cinders forces.

Y/n: Ok so charles is being held in a cell down where the relic is hidden so heres the plain. Raven is gonna lure cinder and her team into haven. Once they get there qrow and his team will be there also. Both teams will start fighting and while there distracted raven will give us the signal and all of our gang will ride into haven and surround both groups. Now theres no doubt that cinder will be going for the relic so while both teams are distracted me and raven will go after cinder and kill her. 

Raven: And once we are down there we will free charles from his cell and we will regroup with arthur and john where we will kill the rest of cinder and qrows team. 

I nod and turn to arthur and john.

Y/n: Make sense?

John/Arthur: Yup.

Y/n: Now lets go kick some ass.

They nod and head off to get assemble the rest of the gang. I head over to my horse and get on it. A few minutes later all 120 of my men and woman come around the corner being lead by blake and raven and john and arthur. I smirk as the 4 of them get on there horses. The other 120 gang members start to load into around 50 horses drawn carriages. We then ride off twords haven academy. Once we are close enough raven splits off to go meet up with cinders team and lead them right into our trap. The rest of us get off of our horses and start to position ourselves around the doors of the academy. 

Rubys pov

Me and yang were sitting there walking with the rest of my team we were following lion heart into a giant corridor. When we get there he walks up some steps only for a red portal to open. yangs eyes widen as cinder and her team step out with raven.

Cinder: Well well if it isnt little red and her group of misfits. Tell me how does it feel to know that your about to die by our hands?

Ruby: Wait this was a set up?!

Lionheart: Clearly now then ill leave you to it.

He walks off but just as we were about to start fighting raven puts her sword to cinders neck.

Cinder: Wait what are you doing branwen?!

Raven: Simple its called payback.

Just then the walls were blown open showing a bunch of men walking into the corridor holding rifles and other weapons. They point there weapons at my team and cinders team. 

Yang: What the hell is this?!

???: Simple its a trap dear cousin. 

My eyes widen as i turn around to see y/n standing there with john and arthur. Blake was also there pointing her gun right at weiss. 

Cinder: What is the meaning of this?!

Y/n: Its simple really raven told us that you would be here cinder and we figured that rubys team would be heading to haven as well. So we decided to play the both of your groups right here and now.

Weiss: You scumbags! 

John: Lady i would shut my mouth if i were you!

Qrow: Son know you cant win this so why dont you and your men just walk away.

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