Chapter 5 A new outlaw

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A/n: This chapter takes place 3 days after the last chapter. Let our story begin.

Y/ns pov

It was dead asleep when all of the sudden i feel someone lightly shaking me. I open my eyes only to see blake standing there in her combat outfit.

Y/n: Yeah what is it?

Blake: dutch told me to come wake you up he wants to start training me today.

Y/n: Ok ok i'm up.

I slowly sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes only to see blake wearing a black hat and a new coat along with her normal clothes. I give her a small smile and she motions for me to follow her. So i grab my duel revolvers and my shotgun and my machete and follow her out to a small makeshift shooting range where dutch and john were waiting along with arthur.

Dutch: Well well look who finally decided to wake up.

Y/n: Shut up dutch.

Dutch chuckles and turns to blake.

Dutch: Now listen up blake if your gonna be appart of this gang your gonna need to know how to shoot a gun and ride a horse. 

Blake: But i already know how to use a gun.

Blake shows us her pistol and i try to hold my laughter in. Blake catchs wind of this and turns to look at me.

Blake: Whats so funny y/n?

Y/n: Oh nothing its just that you probably have no idea on what a real gun is.

Blake: But this is a real gun!

Y/n: Alright fine how about this if you can shoot my shotgun and not stumble back from the recoil then ill say that your gun is better then mine. 

Blake: Fine your on.

Blake grabs my shotgun and aims it at the target. As she does this i turn to Arthur and give him a smirk. He smirks back at me and we both watch as blake fires the gun only to fall on her ass due to the recoil of the shot.

Blake: What the hell how is that thing so strong?!

Arthur: Its because that gun is way to strong for you.

Blake: Ok so what would be an ideal gun for me?

Y/n: Something that doesn't have to much draw back and alot of speed.

John: Here try this.

John gives blake one of my old revolvers. Blake looks at it and aims the revolver at the target she fires all 6 at the target but due to the recoil of the gun she misses them all.

Blake: Ugh this is impossible!

Y/n: Calm down blake you wont get it on the first day. Just keep practicing and you will get it.

Blake nods and starts to try and shoot the target again. We do this for 2 hours and she eventually is able to hit the target. But just as we were about to keep going dutch walks over to us.

Dutch: Y/n we found a wild horse and we think it will be perfect for our newest member.

Blake: Wait i'm getting a horse?

Y/n: Yup now come on new blood your new horses is waiting.

Blake nods and follows me over to dutch. He smirks at her and leads the horse over to blake. She hops on it and slowly starts riding it. I smile at her as i watch her ride.

Blake: I-i'm d-doing it!!

I smile as she starts to ride faster. But just then the horse kicks her off and blake goes flying to the ground.

Blake: Ugh...

Y/n: Dont worry with more time you will be a great outlaw.

She smiles and nods. We both then go back to training for the rest of the day. 

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