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DakotaLew : you make me feel like a teenager in love ☁️💕109 likes 90 comments ClaireBeckham : ALRIGHT SIS 😍MaddieBails : Jesus fuck Dakota , you'd make me feel like a teenager in love too 😍🤤AthenaP17 : lovelovelovelove this CrystalLeigh : oooh...

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DakotaLew : you make me feel like a teenager in love ☁️💕
ClaireBeckham : ALRIGHT SIS 😍
MaddieBails : Jesus fuck Dakota , you'd make me feel like a teenager in love too 😍🤤
AthenaP17 : lovelovelovelove this
CrystalLeigh : oooh girl you look fine as hell 😘


After finishing up at the studio , i go with Ashton back to his house. I never get to spend time with him anymore , and i know as soon as he leaves for the tour it's gonna be difficult to talk to him. So I'm getting my time with him in now.

We walk in and see the guys already there , chilling on the couch with beers in one hand and an XBOX controller in the other. " wow I'd almost think you guys lived here too " i laugh as i sit in the empty chair next to the couch.

" hey , we needed beer and Calum didn't have any " Michael laughs , not looking up from the screen.

I shake my head and smile at them. I hear footsteps and i tilt my head back to see who else could possibly be here. " DAKOTA!! " i hear a high pitched voice yell and i almost fall out of the chair as Athena jumps out on top of me and hugs me as tight as she can.

" hey love , what're you doing here " i ask , hugging her back just as tight. I haven't seen any of the girls in a really long time. We've all just gotten so busy , Athena most of all. She's a model , which isn't hard to believe if you look at her.

" she wouldn't stop saying that she missed her friends , i figured you'd come back with Ashton so i brought her over " Calum says , taking a sip of his beer.

Athena's eyes go wide at her boyfriends words , but she just laughs and nods her head and she slides down on the floor in front of me. Calum and Athena have been together for a couple years. They met when i took her to one of the boys shows. She kept whispering to me about how she thought Calum was cute and i told ashton. We made it our goal to get them together that night. Needless to say we accomplished our goal.

" how was your shoot in Paris? " i ask her , braiding a piece of her hair.

Her brown eyes lit up when i said " Paris ". She whips out her phone to show me some of the pictures. She's literally so gorgeous , I've heard Calum say that he didn't know why she wasted her time with him. To which she always rolls her eyes and kisses him.

While me and her and looking at her photoshoot pictures , Ashton and Michael are talking about something and it looks serious. Ashton looks up and we make eye contact for a brief second before he looks back to Michael. After a few more minutes , Luke gets involved and they all start nodding their heads.

" what are they talking about? " i ask Calum , because for some reason , he's being left out. I look at the small group and try to make out a few words but they're whispering so i can't hear anything.

" i have no idea " he says as he stands up and makes his way over to them. After a couple of minutes they migrate to the kitchen and me and Athena are left sitting all alone.

" well that's weird " Athena says , looking up at me. The boys are never secretive. Literally never. They say whatever's on their mind as soon as it pops in their brain.

I tilt my head and try to think of what could make them be so secretive all of a sudden. I can't think of anything , unless it had to do with me or Athena.

" I'm sure Ashton will tell me later " i look at the time on my phone and realize it's getting late. I hug Athena and start walking to the kitchen so i can tell Ashton I'm leaving and that's when i hear the word " tour ". They're being secretive about the tour? That doesn't make any sense.

" Hey , I'm gonna go home. It's getting late. I'll see you all later " i say and wave. I text my groupchat with the girls and say that we need to have lunch soon because it's been way too long. I love Ashton to death , but i miss my girls.

I order an Uber since Ashton drove me here and wait outside on the porch. As I'm waiting i hear someone come outside and i see Athena walking towards me with a sad look on her face.

She sits next to me and leans her head on my shoulder. " i hate when they leave for tour " she sighs , picking at the nail polish on her nails. The last time they went on tour her and Calum got into a huge fight. Calum accused Athena of not trusting him when she got upset over some pictures of him and some other girls while the boys were at some club in Germany. The picture was oddly suspicious but Athena doesn't like fighting with anyone so she just let it go and they haven't talked about it since.

I leaned my head on hers " i do too , it seems like they're gone for years " i say. A couple tears forming in my eyes out of no where. I hate it when they leave. I'd never admit this to anyone , not even Athena. But it makes me jealous when i see pictures of Ashton and the groupies that tag along with them on tour. I know it's not a serious thing but still. I weirdly want him all to myself. Is it a crush? Maybe , who knows. But that's my own little secret.

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