Dakota Lewis is an up and coming singer who dreams of selling out arenas. Her best friend Ashton Irwin offers her the deal of a life time : open for them on tour. Spending months with someone on a tour bus will surely affect a friendship.
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DakotaLew : DEAD ⛓ 500 likes 475 comments CrystalLeigh : HOT 🥵 AthenaP17 : dang mamas 😍🔥 AshtonIrwin : damn ClaireBeckham : fuck you're attractive MaddieBails : forever my lover ❤️😍🥵 MichaelClifford : how do you already have a custom mic stand???
" Be careful what you say Say only what you mean Mean to me then you're nice You're nice, you're nice It's nice to know you now Now that it all went down Down on your knees you cry You cry, you cry, yeah
You say you can't live without me So why aren't you dead yet? Why you still breathing? And you say you can't live without me Then why aren't you dead yet?
Why do you say that? Why, why, why, why? Why, why, why, why? Why, why, why, why?
Why aren't you dead yet? Why, why, why, why? Why Why aren't you dead yet? "
I was dancing around the stage like i was at my own concert. The crowd was screaming and i was having the time of my life.
" well Madrid , it's been amazing. Thank you for letting me sing for you tonight. Now , it's my pleasure to introduce the actual people you're here to see. 5 seconds of summer! " i cheer into the mic. The boys come running on stage and i wave goodbye to the crowd. I high five the guys as i walk backstage and i grab a bottle of water to cure the dryness of my throat after all that singing.
" you did amazing , babe " crystal tells me. I nod my head , too tired to sleep. The adrenaline was leaving my body and i was feeling it.
" i never want this to end , i adore every second I'm up there. " i tell her , throwing my hair up into a ponytail to get it off my neck.
" and you sound absolutely amazing. Maybe after this tour is over we should get you your own record deal. Give the guys some competition " she winks at me.
I laugh , there's no way I'd ever be competition to the guys. They've got years of practice and millions of fans all over the world. It would take me forever to get to that level of success. For now I'd enjoy the small amount of fame i had.
All of a sudden the music stops and Calum starts speaking. " you guys , love is amazing. I've got a beautiful girlfriend , so does Luke , and Michael is engaged " he pauses as the crowd starts cheering.
I look up at crystal , where is he going with this?
" but , Mr Ashton Irwin is having a hard time expressing his love to someone very special to him. " all of a sudden i feel myself being pushed towards the stage. I look back and Athena is looking at me with a smile plastered on her face.
I start protesting but it's too late. I'm in the front of the stage and everyone can see me. I turn around and glare at her but she's already back stage again smirking at me.
" Ms Dakota Lewis is also having that problem " calum states. I whip around and look at him. What the hell is going on?
" for the past however many years , the only female name that has left Ashton's mouth has been Dakota. The man is head over heels in love with you bud , he's too much of a pussy to tell you " i hear michael laugh into the mic.
I cover my face in embarrassment. This isn't happening , this isn't happening , this isn't happening.
I peek through my fingers and look at Ashton. His face is completely red and i can tell he wants to lock himself in the dressing room but of course he won't. So i do.
Before anyone could stop me i sprint back to the dressing room and lock the door. I slide down and pull at my hair. That definitely didn't just happen to me. The boys didn't just out my crush on Ashton , the didn't just say Ashton liked me back. That didn't just happen.
I stay there the rest of the show , just staring at the wall. I didn't wanna see anyone. I was completely and utterly embarrassed and i knew Ashton probably wouldn't wanna talk to anyone either. I hear the boys manager yelling , saying it's time to leave and i pick myself back up. I check myself in the mirror and let out a breath. You'll be fine Dakota.
I unlock the door and pull it open , immediately being pulled into the arms of someone and they pressed their lips to mine. I push back and look up to the beautiful hazel eyes that could only belong to Ashton Fletcher Irwin.
I start to say something but cut myself off by pressing my lips to his again.