Dakota Lewis is an up and coming singer who dreams of selling out arenas. Her best friend Ashton Irwin offers her the deal of a life time : open for them on tour. Spending months with someone on a tour bus will surely affect a friendship.
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DakotaLew : i said 😛 10,000 likes 1000 comments AshtonIrwin : 😍😍😍 MaddieBails : wow I'm in love with a singular human being and it's you Clairebeckham : this bitch said ⌛️ AthenaP17 : i would break up with Calum for you 🤤 CalumHood : ^^ i didn't agree to that
" Dakota Lewis , please explain to me how you run around in booty shorts when it's freezing outside! " Claire laughed at me , looking at my recent post.
" so i have an excuse to steal Ashton's jackets , duh " i laughed back , throwing a pillow at her.
We broke out in giggles on my hotel room floor. The boys were doing interviews and the other girls went out shopping. I was too tired to go out and Claire wanted to keep me company, which i very much appreciated.
" how are things with little drummer boy? " she asks. It's been a few months since me and Ashton became official, we were currently in New York and half way through the tour all together. It still felt like a dream.
" it's better than i could've imagined. I feel like I'm in a movie , honestly " i blush at her. She gives me a big smile and claps her hands together excitedly.
" I'm so happy for you! I've always known you guys would end up together and now it's happening! " she grins.
Claire is one of my oldest friends , she was with me when i met Ashton and has always wanted me to man up and tell him all about my feelings. When i called her after the night in Italy , she screamed into the phone.
" He's the human embodiment of perfection. I literally couldn't be happier Claire. It makes it better that a majority of the fans are happy for him too. Even though i do get some hate messages every once in a while " i roll my eyes.
I wasn't bothered by hate. I really wasn't. It was just annoying having a bunch of teenagers micro analyzing my every move all the time. Ashton's happy , that's all they should care about. Not who's instagram picture i commented on.
" oh my god can i read them! " she asked through fits of laughter.
I laughed back and handed her my phone. Watching her eyes get huge as she read the ridiculous things people say to me.
" oh my god these can't be real! ' They're clearly dating for attention based off the fact they post about eachother all the time ' " she reads from some fan account.
" God forbid i give them more Ashton content " i roll my eyes and take my phone back , noticing a text from my boy.
Lova boy 💕 : I'll be back soon , only a couple more hours baby , i love you 😘
" you guys are so cute it's disgusting " Claire laughs in my ear , reading over my shoulder.
" don't be fucking rude " i laugh as i shove her away from me. She laughs and sticks her tongue out at me
" WHATS UP FUCKERS " a very enthusiastic Athena yells as she bursts through the hotel room door.
" why do you have my phone? " i laugh , quoting the vine.
" FUCK YOU , THATS WHY " Maddie finishes.
I throw a pillow at them both as i fall back on the floor laughing.
" hello my beautiful best friends , i hope you had fun staying in the hotel room like a couple of losers " Maddie says , putting her copious amount of bags on one of the beds.
" and i hope you have fun putting yourself into credit card debt " i say back
She scrunches up her nose at me and i blow her a kiss and mouth " i love you " to her.
" Kota , i bought you something " Athena says , handing me a Victoria secret bag.
My eyes widen and i nervously take the bag from her. " I'm scared , but alright " i say , ripping the pink tissue paper out of the bag.
My best friend actually went and bought me lingerie to wear for my boyfriend. Why am i surprised.
I pulled the dark green , lacy , body suit from the bag and my jaw dropped.
" if drummer boy doesn't wanna fuck you in that , i will. Holy fuck " Claire says , taking it from my hands.
" That's what i said when i bought it for her " Athena grins.
" i don't know why I'm shocked that you bought me lingerie but i appreciate the gesture " i say , squeezing her hand.
" we better go so you can get changed for Ashton " Maddie laughs , grabbing her stuff.
I pout and wave goodbye to my friends as they go back to their hotel rooms. I sigh as i look at the piece of lace in my hands. It wouldn't hurt to try it on.
I slip out of Ashton's hoodie that i was wearing and slip the lingerie on. I take my hair out of the bun on top of my head and brush through it with my fingers.
" Baby I'm back - Holy hell " i hear behind me.
I turn around and grin at my boyfriend who's currently looking up and down at me.
" hi " i whisper shyly. Covering myself with my arms.
" nuh uh , don't cover yourself " he says , walking over and turning me to look in the mirror. He rests his head on my shoulder and i can see his eyes scanning me in the mirror.
" you're the embodiment of perfection, i swear to god " he whispers in my ear. He takes his hands off my arms and starts tracing his finger tips on my thighs , giving me goosebumps.
" i was saying that about you earlier " i smile at him.
He kisses the side of my head and leads me to the bed , pulling me down to lay with him.
" as much as I'd love to show you how hot i think you are in that , I'm pretty sure the boys wouldn't appreciate the noise " he laughs , squeezing my thigh and pecking my lips sweetly.
" fuck what they think " i say , pulling at his button up he was wearing.
" God i love you " he groans , pulling me down to kiss me again.
Hello my beautiful readers! I'm so sorry i haven't updated in months! I've just been really busy and haven't felt confident in this book , but i was in the mood to write so i whipped this up , i know it's garbage and I'm sorry. I'll try harder , i promise! If you're still reading and you've been waiting for an update, thank you and i love you!