Dakota Lewis is an up and coming singer who dreams of selling out arenas. Her best friend Ashton Irwin offers her the deal of a life time : open for them on tour. Spending months with someone on a tour bus will surely affect a friendship.
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DakotaLew : dazed , confused , and drunk 🌪🍹 680 likes 560 comments AthenaP17 : also hot as hell 😘 ClaireBeckham : stop getting drunk without me MaddieBails : please drop a workout routine 🙏🏼😍 AshtonIrwin : 🔥😉
Ashton pulled away and slid his hand down to my lower back.
" I've been waiting to do that since the first day i met you. I was always scared you'd freak out on me and our entire friendship would be gone " he whispered to me. Holding me still in his arms.
" that's exactly why i didn't do anything either , Ash " i whisper back. I was scared i was dreaming and if i raised my voice to anything louder than a whisper I'd wake up and this moment would be gone.
" i think we could've found our way to eachother eventually without the public embarrassment from the guys " he laughs , pressing a quick kiss to my forehead.
" remind me to kick Michael in the dick " i whine , suddenly remembering what drove Ashton to his declaration of love. Ashton just laughed and nodded his head , rubbing his hand up and down my back to calm me down from my exaggerated rage.
" you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I will never understand how i went so long without making you mine. " he mumbles , almost to himself but i definitely heard. A small smile appears on my face and i press a small kiss to his collar bone.
" well what's stopping you now? " i ask , looking up at him.
" i wanna take you on a proper date first " he says , brushing my hair behind my ear.
I pout at him and he shakes his head and leans down to kiss me again.
" Ashton did you manage to find Dak- oh i see I'm interrupting " Calum smirks , Athena trailing not far behind him.
I pull my lips away from Ashton and groan in annoyance at the interruption. Ashton shoots Calum a look before grabbing my hand and walking me towards the exit.
Athena runs up and yanks me out of Ashton's grasp. Pushing me outside as fast as she could so she could ask me a million questions
" what the hell was that? " " is he a good kisser? " " are you guys dating now? " " and again , what the hell WAS THAT!? "
" me and Ashton kissing , the best , no , and again , me and Ashton kissing " i laugh at her , she was more excited than i was.
" you better not keep everyone up with your moaning now , It's annoying enough hearing Michael and Crystal going at it " she cringes next to me.
" Athena Mariana Perez you aren't exactly quiet " i shoot back at her. She just giggles and covers her face in embarrassment.
We get into the car and Ashton and Calum followed us in shortly after. Ashton looks back at me from the front seat and i immediately blush. That boy was gonna be the death of me.
The ride back to the hotel was pretty silent. But as soon as we walked into Luke's room where everyone else already was , that's when the commotion started.
" guess what i saw in the dressing room " Calum asks everyone. Raising his eyebrow over at Ashton. This isn't gonna go well for me.
" a rat? I swear i saw one running around back there before we went on stage and i wanted to keep it as a pet " Michael rambles on. Crystal quickly cutting him off to let Calum say what he actually saw.
" no dumbass it wasn't a rat. I saw our sweet innocent little Dakota making out with none other than our very own drummer , Ashton Irwin. " he presents in an overly dramatic fashion.
" WHAT! " everyone collectively screams. I wish i was making that up. But i wasn't.
" ....surprise? " i shyly exclaim , holding my thumbs up and cringing at myself and the situation.
" took you fucking long enough. " Luke mumbles , Sierra responding by shoving his shoulder and whispering to him to be nice. To which he just shrugs and wraps his arms around his girlfriend.
" hey , i was nervous okay! " Ashton defends himself. He looks over at me and bites his lip , getting a thinking look on his face.
Next thing i know I'm being lifted off the couch , if one more person throws me around out of no where I'm gonna scream. Ashton lifted me over his shoulder and ignores my screams of protest.
" Now we're gonna go make up for lost time " he says to everyone , and carries me back to his room , shutting the door and tossing me down on the bed.
" you're the devil Ashton Irwin " i laugh at him , bringing my hand up to mess with his mop of curls on his head.
" but you love me anyway " he reminds me with a wink, pressing a sweet kiss to my lips.