Don't Go...Please

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Aizawa's POV

The first 2 weeks of UA have seemed to go by too fast, and everyday Yamada has been talking to me. He hasn't left me alone at all. He invited me to his house tonight with, Kayama, Tensei, and Toshinori. Sadly I said yes to get him to leave me alone but I realize now that I am going to have to make a social effort and I am not looking forward to that.

I sit up in my bed and sigh, I guess I better go, and I grab my sleeping clothes and my one weekend outfit and throw it in my school backpack, along with my notebook. I slip on my shoes and try to sneak out the door but my mom stops me.

"Shota Aizawa where are you going?" She scolds.

"I am going to a classmate's house" I mumble.

"Oh so you want to make friends that are just going to leave you once they realize how worthless you are?"

"He isn't a friend, I don't have friends." I reply in disgust.

My father lifts his head from the kitchen counter "you better not be a f*cking gay Shota."

"Bye!" I yell as I storm out. I run down the hallway towards the staircase. I go down a few flights and sit down on the cold metal steps and just catch my breath. Any moment I have to relax is a relief. I look up at the clock on the wall. And see that it is 6:45, "Sh*t" I mutter, the party starts at 7.

I continue down and make it outside to realize I don't even know where his house is, he wrote the address on my hand during school but hell if I know where that is. I look around and think, how do I find out where this place is, and then I realize, I could go ask the one person I talk to. The lady who works at the Cat Cafe a few blocks away.

I jog to the Cafe and go up to Ike, the hostess.

"Oh! Shota, what a surprise, you normally don't come in on Fridays, do you need something, you look distressed?" She questions

"Ike, can you tell me where this is and how I can get there? I am going to a get together with a few classmates against my will"

She laughs and directs me the right way. I thank her and head off. He lives a few blocks behind UA and it takes me about 15min to get there so obviously I am late. I look up at the house, quite nice and big compared to my small apartment.

I know I'm at the right place because I can hear music blaring inside. I knock on the door and wait. After a minute Yamada opens the door.

Yamada's POV

*Aizawa knocks on the door*

"I'll be right back guys, that must be Aizawa" I smile towards Kayama.

I prance to the door and open it to see the short black haired boy standing there uncomfortably. "Hey man, I didn't think you'd make it but I'm glad you're here!!" I enthuse

"Yeah.. Sorry I'm late I had some trouble," He looks down at his shoes.

"You could've texted me you know, I wrote my number with my address"

"Yeah about that, I don't have a phone..." He stares blankly.

"Oh. HEY EVERYONE, Aizawa is here,  now we can get a real party started!" I change the subject and he looks greatful for that.

"Ooo let's play Truth or Dare" Kayama jumps up.

"That sounds totally rad Kayama," I chime.

Everyone sits on the couch and my mom comes in and hands us each a bowl of popcorn and puts a big thing of it on the coffee table.

"Thanks mom!" I wave.

"Thank you Mrs. Yamada," Everyone sings.

Tensei gets things started, "I guess I'll go first, Toshinori truth or dare?"

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