Sports Festival (Part 1)- You love him

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No one's point of view

The students from the first year hero course were called in with a dramatic entrance into the arena. This is their time to prove that they have what it takes. This is their first chance of spotlight. Following them the general studies kids, then the support kids, ending with the business kids.

The sports festival is not only a time for our up and coming heros to shine but for rejected hero course students to have a chance to make it out of general studies. The chance for support students to show their creative abilities and for business students to scope out the future.

The sports festival is huge for many of the aspiring youth of UA.

A man with white hair stands above the students. He adjusts his belt and begins to announce. "Will Enji Todoroki please come up, as you will be giving the student pledge."
Gasps can be heard from the mosh pit of students.

The tall red haired boy makes his was to the microphone and speaks "I'm here to win, everyone watch out. I'm bringing the heat to this year's festival" He sends fire blazing up almost blinding the audience and he walks back into the crowd of students.

The snow headed man shakes his head, "Well students it is time to start this year's sports festival! Let's go above and beyond this year. Plus Ultra! Now to start off with the obstacle course race, don't hold back. As long as you stay on track everything is allowed."

Aizawa's POV

"SOOOOOO SHOOOOO, you ready for this? Your using your scarf thing right? It'll probably help you get through. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do yet I'm not entirely the best when it comes to speed," My loud blonde looks at me.

"It'll probably be handy.." I look down at the grey capture weapon around my neck. "I know we aren't technically supposed to help each other through this but I'm probably gonna end up helping you."

Hizashi blushes and covers his face. "Come on Sho that's not the point thoooo I need to be able to get through on my own. I'll be fine." He smiles at me.

I hear from the man with the snow hair behind us. "Good luck everyone. In 3..."

Hizashi squeezes my hand.


He let's go and nods. Mouthing the words "good luck".

"1... GOOO!!"

The next I know we are all pushing our way out. I take my scarf wrapping it around poles on the ceiling attempting to push further. While down below I notice Kayama'a quirk at work. Though she can only control small areas it knocks out enough people out of her way as she pushes further. Toshinori and Todoroki are out of sight as well as Tensei. But I notice Zashi about to be under affect of Kayama and I quickly through my scarf around him and pull him up to me taking him out of the entrance. I set him down and say "no need to thank me, see you on the other side" As I run off.

The rest of the course seems a blur. I finally make it to the end. And notice I'm apart of the first 50.

I look around me. I notice Kayama, Toshi, and Tensei.... Hizashi... He's no where in sight.

I run over to Kayama and Tensei. "Have you guys seen Yamada?"

"Oh yeah I think he tripped somewhere near the river and I think got caught in someone's quirk" Kayama tries to recall.

"Do you know if he's okay?" Internally I'm panicking but I can't show it.

Tensei pipes up, "I don't know I feel like he should have finished by now but I don't see him"

I start running. Running back through the course. I dodge everyone trying to get out of their way. I see people stop and look confused. I hear people mumble but I ignore it. My only worry is Hizashi. Finally I can see the river. And next to it a blonde boy stuck to a wall.

Before I stop myself I yell, "'Zashi!" I get to him and notice he's stuck in almost a spider web. There's multiple around but it looks like everyone that was in them was already helped by a friend or got out on their own. "Oh gosh you really got yourself in a sticky situation." I shake my head and smile when I hear him laugh.

He looks beat up. His face is bruised probably from the impact into the wall. There is a little bit of blood on his face too.

I rip apart the webbing and pull him off of the wall. Stabilizing him I look at him and shake my head, "you scared me half to death."

"Sho, I'm fine. Really. Thank you tho. I think we should get going though I don't want you to miss the preparations for the next round." He smiles while looking weekly up at me. A little over dramatic but I'm happy he's okay.

"Well then come on."

We go the rest of the course together me helping him out here and there and we make it back. I bring him over to Recovery Girl, our schools nurse, and explain what happened.

I get weird looks from people but I just ignore it. I go over to Kayama and Tensei. "Hey guys..."

"Oh Aizawa you're back. We talked to Mr. Yukimi (the snowy haired man) about what you did. He said you will pass through since you originally made it in the top 50. He also said it was very heroic of you to go save your friend and make sure he was alright." Tensei smiles, "you did good Aizawa, you made a great impression just then."

"Thanks!" I respond to be interrupted by Kayama punching my arm. "Yes?" I turn to question her.

"You did it cause you love him," She smirks.

"You love him, you love him, you love him," Her words ring in my ears echoing over and over again. I.. I love him? I don't even know what live feels like really.

I stare blankly just to be interrupted by Mr. Yukimi, "the first 50 students who made it past the obstacle course will make it onto the next round, start getting into small groups no more than 4 students per group please."

Kayama, Tensei and I all look at each other. Out of the corner of my eye I notice Toshi not knowing what to do. Before I even think I wave him over to us. We nod and go sign our group up.

I just wish 'Zashi could have made it though but I know he'll be watching me the whole time.

Note-the snowy haired man aka-Mr. Yukimi- is supposed to be Rei Todoroki's dad. Idk it was a random idea.

-Authors Note-
Hey guys. It's been a while. I'm going to be trying to get back into the swing of things and trying to update this more. I promise that I haven't forgotten about this fanfic. And I haven't forgotten about you guys. I love coming on here and reading your comments I can't believe how much you all enjoy this it means so much to me. I'm more active on Instagram than anything else if you want to give me a follow it's skye_dream_art (make sure it's the one with underscores because my other account got hacked). Again thank you all so much and I promise there will be more out soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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