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Aizawa's POV

I was 7 years old and my 1st grade teacher was Mrs. Nemika. I remember her always helping me with things and always being so kind to me. She knew about my situations at home and she felt bad for me because she knew how it felt to grow up in an unstable household. She made sure I never got bullied, always helped me with my homework and she even helped me get to and from school. She made sure my 1st grade year was good for me.

Near the end of 1st grade she offered to pay for me to go to a one month Hero Camp, a camp for young aspiring heros to learn more about their quirk and help with our goal to become a hero be more reachable. It was a bit expensive and I wanted to go so badly. By some miracle Mrs. Nemika helped me go.

"Bye Mrs. Nemi, thankchu so much" I waved as my teacher walked away. I can do this. I walked towards the group of kids the instructor told me to go to. Everyone was mingling and I didn't really want to talk to them so I just layed down my suit case and sat on top of it while hugging my blue cat plushy. 

"Hey stranger," a little boy said, "I like your kitty, what's it's name."

"Oh uh, this is Marble.." I muttered shyly.

"I have a plush too!" The bright boy pulled off his back pack and reached his hand in and pulled out a bird, "His name is Mic. Maybe our plushs could be friends." He beamed.

"Sure! I'm Shota by the way"

"I'm Hizashi, can I call you Sho?"

"Sure.." He climbed on my suit case with me and we just played with our stuffed animals for a while having them be super heroes trying to save people in need. We had fun together.

Eventually our teacher for the month came in and introduced himself. We were told to grab buddies and line up in front of him in order to find our rooms. Hizashi and I buddied up and found our way to our room. It was small and had one bunk bed in it. Hizashi immediately wanted to have the top bunk and scrambled his way up. I was okay with that and crawled into the bottom bunk and accidentally fell asleep.

I woke up 20min later to a loud scree and I immediately started crying. Hizashi came flying over to me apologizing and crying. It was his quirk. He couldn't control it sometimes and it would randomly go off when he was humming or yawning. His quirk made his voice loud.

Soon after our teacher came running in and asking if we were okay and then he gathered everyone up to go to the training area, a small gym made for many different things.

Some students were learning how to fly, learning fire and water quirks, there were also some levitation quirks. Hizashi was getting help doing vocal exercises to help him gain control of his quirk while me on the other hand was trying and trying to erase my sensei's quirk for more than 10 seconds. It was a struggle but I kept going.

At one point Hizashi couldn't stop his quirk and I stepped in to stop him and it worked. My sensei was so proud of my work. Hizashi apologized to everyone and we went to go eat in the dining hall.

As we were eating Hizashi kept asking me a bunch of questions.

"What's your favorite animal?"

"Cat" I replied slowly.

"Mine is a bird! Favorite food?"

I thought about it, "ramen."

"That's my favorite too! What's your favorite color," He smiled sweetly, "my favorite color is green like my eyes" He pointed at his eyes which were a vibrant apple green.

"I don't have a favorite color," I said, "but your eyes are pretty."

"How do you not have a favorite color?"

"I don't know, you're really talkative you know," I laughed.

"Oh sorry is it annoying," He looked away shyly.

"No, it's fine. I'm just not used to talking to people, I don't have any friends."

He looked over and then beamed with happiness, "Well then Sho, I shall be your first friend. Let's make this month the best month ever! YEAH!" He yelled. "Oops.. Hahaha"

"Yeah! Hahahaha" We laughed together.

A week went by and it seemed as though Hizashi made me laugh and smile for the first real time in my whole life. He made me feel like I could become a hero and that someone cared about me. It felt like I had a place where I belonged. Hizashi became my best friend but then the month ended.

It was our last full day at Hero Camp and that night I started to cry as I was trying to fall asleep.

"Sho... What's wrong why are you crying?" Hizashi asked as he came down and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I don't want to leave you 'Zashi, you're the only friend I've had, this month has been amazing and I don't want you to forget me... I don't want to forget you," I cried.

"Sho, I'm right here, I will never forget you, I promise," He said and came closer to me and picked me up and put me on his lap and hugged me tight.

We stayed hugging for a long while, eventually we fell asleep like that, that night was the best sleep I had ever had, a night in my best friends arms.

//Hey, the author here, thank you for reading so far, my updates on this a very random and just whenever I feel creative enough to write a new part, I will try to update it at least once a week but I'm not sure. Anyway if you see this that's wonderful and I hope you are enjoying reading this as much as I enjoy writing it//

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