Good Luck Out There, Friend

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Yamada's POV

The school went by quickly. We were all mainly getting super hyped for the Sports Festival tomorrow. Everyone was training. Our teacher let us train however we wanted to. Some people were training physically and trying to prepare themselves for fighting against certain people, others were training mentally. People had their own ways of figuring out what they were to do.

I remember seeing Aizawa training with Toshi, I think he was trying to gain some strategy physically because that is definitely his weak length.

After school I grabbed Aizawa and we started walking to my house.

"SOOOOO, you looking forward to tomorrow??" I bugged.

"I guess...I mean I'm not going to do that well so what's the point of being all hyped," He looked down.

"Don't say that 'Zawa, you're amazing and your quirk is so useful and wonderful, stop putting yourself down," I enthuse.

He looked away from me, it almost seemed like he was blushing but I couldn't quite tell. "T... thanks.." He answered eventually.

We walked and made small talk as we headed towards my house.

"MOM!! WE ARE HERE!" I yelled and it echoed through the house. Aizawa winced at the sound. "Oops... Sorry" I laughed

I shut the door and my mom walks out of her room and comes to greet Aizawa and I.

"So how was school you two," She smiles and offers us some cookies she baked.

"School was great mom, I'm super pumped for tomorrow," I smile, "and I am already betting on Aizawa here winning because his quirk is just amazing."

"It's not that amazing I can just erase people's quirks while I'm looking at them," He looks away.

"That is a pretty cool quirk Aizawa, you should take the complement," My mom suggests. "Well why don't you guys go hang out in your room Hizashi, dinner will be ready around 6:30"

"Okay Mom," I wave and drag Aizawa with me to my room.

I throw my bag on the floor next to my door and flop down on to my bed. I motion for Aizawa to join me on my bed because he is just standing awkwardly by the door holding his bag loosely by his feet.

"So... Yamada, do you want to do our homework now that way we don't have to do it later?" Aizawa tilts his head as he asks this, almost like how I'd imagine a cat would.

Aizawa's POV

Yamada stares at me for a while before answering and I don't know why, but eventually he shakes his head and says, "Sure, you're going to have to help me with math though, I know you always sleep through that class but you always get 100% on the tests."

"Well I'll gladly help you" I respond and grab out my homework folder.

-about 45 min go by-

"I just don't get it, why do we always have to find x like whats with that, we don't care about your x get over it" Yamada laughs and I punch his arm slightly

"Come on you got it though, you got the right answer, an entire work page later and you got it on your own, good job Yamada," I smile.

"YAY, anyway thank you Sho-I mean Aizawa... " He stops, "sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" I question him as I see no reason for him to be sorry, he knows my first name, there's really nothing to it, I honestly wouldn't mind if he called me by it or I called him by his, I mean technically we have know each other for a long time.

"It's just I thought you wouldn't be okay with me calling you Shota" He stares at me.

"Hizashi, I'm fine with it"

Yamada's POV

My heart skips a beat or two or 20! Shota Aizawa willingly called me by my first name. I don't know what this is but I enjoy it. I want him to do that more.... Is that weird. But like he is amazing, he handles his quirk so well and he is so strong mentally. This man is just perfect, I stop and realize I have been starring at him for like a minute now.

"Um you good... " He waves his hand in front of my face.

"OH, YEAH I'm fine, I'm also okay with Hizashi if you are comfortable with saying it." I blush a little.


We walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. My mom made us some pasta and we had some mochi ice cream for dessert. I watched quietly as Shota ate. The was his hair fell in front of his face, the way he almost made a cat smirk it was all so adorable and soon enough my mom had to wake my from my day dreaming and say, "so Hizashi, Shota you 2 finish your homework? "

"Yea" I reply.

"If you want you guys can go out to the treehouse and spend the night there, I wouldn't mind just be careful." My mom smiles as she picks up our plates.

"Tree.... House?" Shota questions.

"Here come on I'll show you," I laugh as I tug his hand and run with him through the house, at some point we grab our bags and we are out the back door.

I turn around and start walking backwards, I do know the path like the back of my hand.  "So some like 10 years ago my dad and I built this treehouse up here and it is amazing. There is even roof access and we can gaze at the stars beautifully. "

Aizawa's POV

"That sounds beautiful Hizashi," I look up while walking and look at the tops of the trees ahead and try and find where this tree house is, "are there wild cats or.. "

"Not that I've seen but who knows maybe with you there might be some kitties. "

I blush at the way he says kitties. "Okay?"

Finally we get to the base of this treehouse and it looks more spectacular than I expected. It looks sturdy and comfortable and it even looks like it has its own electrical things because I see fairy lights inside and dangling outside on the walls.

"Here give me your hand" Hizashi says as he is hanging out of the bottom entrance to the treehouse. I grab his hand and it wraps firmly around mine as he helps me in.

I adjust and see a book case with some titles I recognize and some I don't, I see a desk with papers on it and a notebook and I see a guitar and a radio in the corner along with a headset. I also see a hammock and a beanbag chair along with a baseball and some other outdoorsy stuff. Including a shit ton of bug spray.

"Hizashi, do you really need this much bug spray?"

"Hmph, yes yes I do bugs are scary." He puffs.

-end of part 1-

//Authors Note: hey, it's been a hot second hasn't it, sorry I've been so stressed the last month and a half but the school year is over and next year I'm moving on to high school so I'm looking forward to that I guess, my 2 best friends are going to their dream schools and I'm happy for them just sad to separate you know? Anyway it's summer now and that means I have 2 and a half months to continually update this and I want to so expect it anyway I hope you enjoy, I'm hoping to get part 2 out in the next week.  Thanks for all the support, also let me know if you guys think I should give y'all the link to my EraserMic playlist on Spotify//

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