First Day

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Aizawa's POV

I grab my near empty bag and head out of my room. Today is my first day at UA and I am not looking forward to being around people but then again, anywhere is better than home, even if I am surrounded by idiots.

As I leave out the door I hear my father trying to say something but I ignore him and continue down the hallway towards the stairs. Our apartment is on the 5th floor so it's quite a bit of stairs down but I don't care,  I just keep walking, with my head down, not paying any attention to my surroundings.

After a 10min walk I make it to the school gates. This school is the #1 hero school in the country and I made it in. I look around a few of my fellow peers mingling outside, no one looks familiar, but then again, I don't care. I walk inside and look for class 1-A. A few minutes of walking and I find it.

The door is huge but I guess they have to make it accessible for everyone, I go inside and sit down in the back corner of the class. I set my head down on the desk and drift off in a light sleep.

Yamada's POV

"Come on man, I was sitting here, there are plenty of other seats." I plead.

"Well does it look like I care," The red haired boy says, "Now scram before I kill you."

I stare blankly, we are supposed to be here to become heroes, right? He wouldn't kill me right? "You wouldn't" I say nervously.

"Well then" He smirks and then sets the desk on fire. 


Aizawa's POV

I wake up to the scream of a student with cockatoo like hair.
"So loud..." I mumble and see the cause of this screech, another student with red hair and flames has set a desk on fire and then the bell rings.

Our teacher walks in and it doesn't seem like anyone has noticed because they are all still talking
"Excuse me class. Get in your seats this instant" our teacher is tall and has a yellow cape that seems kind of stupid, "I am your teacher Gran Torino and before you think of anything I won't hesitate to expell you in an instant. Now if you could all please go get into your PE uniforms and head outside that would be appreciated."

I sigh and stand from my desk and head towards the door.

"Umm, hey excuse me do you know where the locker rooms are?" The boy who yelled earlier taps my shoulder and asks.

I just ignore him. "Hey man please?"

"Ugh yeah it's this way, follow me," I turn.

"YEAH, thanks I'm Yamada Hizashi, pleasure to meet you," He beams.

"You're loud" I whine while rubbing my head.

"Oh sorry about that, I'm a bit unstable with my quirk, it makes my voice super loud with crazy high pitch and crazy base," he laughs.

"Whatever, anyway here we are, now please leave me alone." I beg.

Yamada's POV

This boy is SOOO cute, I have to find a way to be is friend. His scruffy appearance and his long black hair is just so adorable.

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