We're Friends, Right

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Aizawa's POV

I walk home alone in the darkness. The sleepover last night was a real relief for me.

For some odd reason Yamada helped me sleep soundly. Once I left his house earlier I just went to the park. I sat on 'my bench' or the bench I sit on everyday when I don't want to go home, or when I am working on homework, this is most days. I had no interest in going home, it would ruin my happy mood but I knew as soon as the sun was setting I would head home.

I walk up the stairs towards my floor and I sigh. I take a deep breath and walk into my small cold apartment. Luckily my mom is already gone to work and my father is passed out in the kitchen. I tip toe to my room and lock my door out of habit.

I open my bag and look inside to find my pen and I grab my note book.

Dear random notebook no one will find, I got lucky. I don't have to interact with the beast and the Belle is off to work. I don't really know what to write but I guess I'll tell you about this morning.

I woke up earlier than everyone and surprisingly I had no nightmares. I looked around Yamada's room. He was passed out on the floor next to me, Tensei was under Yamada's desk for some reason, snoring, and Kayama was asleep on Yamada's bed. Oh and Toshinori was asleep curled up in the corner next to Yamada's bookshelves. Everyone seemed so peaceful so I made sure not to do anything to wake any of them.

It feels nice to have people actually want to talk to me. No one ever was nice to me in my past. Everyone in primary school just bullied me for "having a villains quirk" and being a weakling who was always covered in bruises a scrapes. I learned to push people away. Request a seat in the back corner. Purposefully act as if I had no quirk and most importantly I never told anyone that I was trying to get into UA or had a dream to become a hero if I told them I'd get bullied more which was something I didn't need. I didn't need people abusing me 24/7. I already looked ratty enough. But now 2 weeks have passed and someone is making a genuine effort.

Maybe I have friends... NO why would anyone care about this mess of a human who is ugly, too skinny, has a villain quirk, quiet, and gloomy. They all have strong personalities

Tensei-A natural leader, he always seems to make sure evey one is safe and okay. Speeding from one person to the next always so perky.

Kayama-Very flirtatious and always making jokes and messing with everyone. Making people laugh and teasing her friends constantly.

Toshinori-So powerful and always smiling no matter what. He seems to be a teachers pet and he is always so kind, even to Todoroki.

Yamada-Loud, and happy. He is basically a bird... A kind bird. Someone who doesn't think anyone should be alone. Someone who cares about other's well-beings and just constantly wants to be socializing and yet for some unknown reason talks to the quiet awkward boy.

Well with that thought I'm gonna sleep. Or try to.

With that I closed my notebook and curled up in my blanket and fell into a light sleep, awaiting the nightmares and yelling to come.

The next morning
Yamada's POV

"Bye mom, bye dad!!" I yell as I leap out of the door and head to school.

School is the best place for me. It's a place where I get to be surrounded by people and I love people. Being with people makes me happy.

Today I think we are going to start rescue training with class B. I am looking forward to it because rescuing others is an important part of being a hero even though I don't know how my quirk is going to help me I am sure Grand Tortilla(Gran Torino) will help me.

As I walk up towards the school I see Aizawa and I run up to him.


Aizawa flinches at the sudden outburst of his name but smiles slightly.

"Oh, Yamada... Hey" He sighs.

"Didja have fun at my house over the weekend, it was great having ya over." I smile

"Yeah it was nice, I enjoyed it quite a bit, we should get to class, the bell is gonna ring soon and we are out here when  we should be in there as responsible heroes in training"

"Ah yeah, you're right you logical looney toon"

"What does that even mean" He mumbles.

*Time skip to lunch*

Aizawa's POV

I walk behind Yamada out of the classroom slowly making distance between us.

I unwillingly make my way to the cafeteria and grab a bit of food to eat and sit alone in the back of the lunch room.

I observe the other students mingling. The support kids showing off the items they've made, finishing their food quick and running off to who knows where to make more items. The business students gossiping about the hero course and who is gonna make it far and who isn't, explaining how the support course kids items are helpful or unneeded. The general studies kids glaring at the hero course. Then there is the hero course it's self.

Todoroki is sitting with a white haired girl he always seems to be with. They are also sitting with an upper classman wearing a very unstylish jean turtleneck with his school uniform.

I sigh and lay my head down only to get startled by a bright cockatoo smiling at me.

"HEY you wanna sit at lunch with me and the others, you always sit alone"

"Oh but why would you want me to, I'll only bring you guys down." I look at my shoes.

"We're friends, right? That's what friends do, we sit with each other and talk, or in your case at least be around." He smiles and pulls me up and brings me to sit with him and the others from his sleepover.

So they see me as a friend... That's odd. I haven't had a friend since I was seven...

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