Good Luck Out There Friend P2

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Aizawa's POV

After the small bicker about bug spray I just laugh. It's kinda cute in a way that he is that afraid of bugs, maybe I could protect him.

"Don't worry Hizashi. I will protect you," I mumble to him. I hope that makes him more comfortable

I swear I see him blush after I say that but I ignore that thought, I'm being genuine here if he is scared I could help, I wonder about why he even has this out here if he is scared of certain things in nature. On the other hand it is very beautiful, calm and serene. I believe there is roof access too. I could've sworn I saw a hammock up there.

"So Hizashi whyd you bring me out here? "

"Oh ummmmmm" He starts to blush, "well I wanted to watch the sunset with you, you're like a really good friend to me and umm. I don't know just here come on" He starts to go up to where I saw the hammock. To my surprise there isn't just one but two. I wonder how long he's had two up here and who else he's taken up here. I start to hope he doesn't have a significant other...... Wait why should I care. I don't like him do I?

"Woah it's so beautiful," I say while climbing into a hammock as Hizashi does the same.

"Yeah it is, I've never actually shared this with anyone else before... " He turns to me and smiles, "I'm glad I could share this with you Sho. "

Yamada's POV

After I tell Shota that he is the only other person I've shared this place with I turn away because I can't tell if that's too much. I want to confess to him. Here in this place. I've realized since school started I've grown feelings for him. I hope he won't judge me. I'm a bi-disaster but a major disaster for him. He is just too cute I can't handle it. It's still amazing to me that the universe made us find each other again. Heck Shota doesn't know it yet but he was the first crush I ever had and is the one that made me realize I could like guys. Throughout the past years I've wondered if I'd ever see him again and here he is in my tree house with me sitting under the same stars.

"Umm Hizashi Yamada, are you okay" I finally hear.

My face flushs pink, he is closer to me now. How long was I spaced out. I guess it was a bit cause he is on the same hammock as me, "oh... OH SHIT SORRY SHO."

"Zashi... Quirk loud... " He winces back.

I cover my mouth, "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to. I was just surprised I spaced out I'm sorry I'm so sorry... "

"Zashi... It's okay. I know you're still working on it and you've gotten a lot better at keeping your quirk under control. You've come along way since when we first met and I mean when we FIRST met. I'm proud of you," He smiles softly at me.

I melt it's now or never.

"Shota Aizawa, I've grown to be your friend and someone you tolerate which I can tell is hard and I feel blessed to have you in my life. I think the universe wanted us to find each other again. We both made it into UA, we both made it into the same class. And we sat next to each other. The past weeks have been amazing being with you and being your friend. I've grown... Feelings. Not just normal friendship stuff. I like you... "

"I like you too Zashi"

"No Shota I like like you, like romantically"

"I'm not that oblivious, I'm actually quite aware of things. I have the same feelings towards you. I've been ignoring them though for a while.. My father is a huge homophobic and I have just always suppressed my emotions and crushes because of being afraid of what would happen but you pushed your friendship on me and I'm greatful for that, Zashi. You're the only person I've ever let close to me.... I don't know what I'd do with out you. You keep me going, if I know it or not the blessed one here, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me."

I've started tearing up at this point, I was so afraid of what would happen. We've both suppressed these emotions enough. Sho pulls me towards him into a hug.

Aizawa's POV

I've never been happier. This is the first real hug I've ever experienced and it makes me feel real happiness. Something that's hard for me to actually feel and experience.

I look at him and tilt my head, "so does this mean? "

"Does this mean we are a thing? "

"I don't know does it"

"I think so, " He laughs.

We lay in one hammock together and fall asleep holding each other under the stars. In each other's arms like so long ago.

*the next day at school*

"Everyone listen up, as you all know today is the sports festival" Gran Torino looks around at the students he has been teaching and smiles. "Some of you are very promising to win and any of you could. I wish all of you to put forth your best now go put on your uniforms and be ready"

"PLUS ULTRA" the class responds while running out of the classroom. Zashi and I haven't told anyone yet about last night and I'm not sure if we will until the sports fest is over.

After changing everyone is frantic trying to get prepared.

Tensei is trying to make sure everyone is calm and Toshi is almost no where to be seen and it's kind of worrying. I shrug it off and go over to Zashi, who seems to be drinking a shit ton of water and I start to question it but as if he reads my mind and responds "I need to be hydrated in order to not strain my voice and quirk."

"I guess that's fair"

The speaker turns on, "all students must come to the area of the festival immediately"

Every student floods the halls. Right before we step out into the area Zashi turns to me.

"Good luck out there friend."

As we get pushed forward.

Author note
~Yeah I'm not dead, it's been a bit but just a lot has gone on, I still will try to update this, I don't want to abandon it, I still have plans for this story. I promise I'll try~

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