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My friends and I took a little road trip. We stopped in a quaint town called Tulsa.
"We need gas!" My best friend, Ally, called.
"Okay, well there's a DX." I said pointing.
"Yay! Okay you get snacks and I'll pump." She said.
"Okay. Ash, Britt, you want any snacks?" I asked and they didn't respond but I heard Brittny laughing.
"Hello?" I sat up and looked at them. Ashley was shoving a banana down her throat.
"What are you doing?" I yelled and laughed.
"We're playing dares. Play with us?" Britt said. I'm a big daredevil so Britt knows I'd do just about anything.
"Okay, but I gotta get snacks." I said. Britt looked through the window.
"The boy at the cash register, kiss him when you buy something." She said and Ashely squealed.
"Oh my lord! Okay." I said rolling my eyes and got out. They followed. We walked in and got our snacks. I went to pay and looked back at them. They motioned me forward.
"Hey." He smiled. God, he was hot. He had a movie star look.
"Hi." I said and looked down.
"Will this be all?" He asked me. I looked in his eyes. I felt nervous.
"" I said and then grabbed his face, smashing our lips together. I heard Ashley and Brittny scream and laugh. I pulled away and looked at him. He looked really shocked and was blushing a bit.
"That will be all." I smiled. He laughed and rang the stuff up.
"I'm Sodapop." He said smiling.
"I dig that." I smiled and grabbed my stuff.
"Will I see you again?" He yelled as I walked out.
"Maybe." I smiled and winked.
"Wait! What's your name?" He asked.
"(Y/n)!!" Ashley and Britt yelled.
"That's a pretty name." He said getting close to me.
"Thank you." I smiled. I looked to find Ally and she was flirting with some boy.
"I think your friend met Steve." Soda said.
"I guess she did." I said back smiling. He looked me up and down.
"Come back here at 7?" He asked.
"Why?" I smiled.
"So I can take you to the movies and your friend and Steve can see each other again." He said and pecked my lips. I blushed.
"Okay. Bye Sodapop." I smiled and walked to the car.
I was defiantly coming back to the DX.

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