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The music was blaring and my ears were ringing, but I didn't care because I was having fun. My friends and I came to party and that's what we are doing. The party was at some guys house named Buck.
I decided I needed to take a break. I walked away and sat down. I watched people dance as I sipped my beer.
This drunk-ass-motherfucker came up to me.
"Hey, doll." He said and plopped down next to me.
I ignored him and continued to watch people.
"Don't ignore me, baby." He said grabbing my thigh.
"Don't touch me!" I yelled.
"Hey, man, leave the little lady alone." This guy said grabbing my shoulders and pulling me away.
"Holy fuck." I said as he pulled me back.
"How 'bout you mind your business, Winston." The drunk-fuck slurred.
"How about you leave her alone, Hal." My rescuer said.
The drunk-fuck cursed us out and left.
"You okay, pretty baby?" My night in shining armor said.
I studied the boy. He had dark hair and was tall. He was properly beautiful.
"I'm great, thank you." I smiled.
"I'm Dallas Winston." He smiled.
"I'm (y/n)." I said back.
Dallas and I talked for a bit, but the night grew closer to morning and I was gonna leave.
I stepped outside for a cig to calm my nerves before I headed home.
I was watching the stars burn in the sky as I took a drag.
"Well, well, well, hello there." I heard a deep voice slur.
I turned to find the drunk-fuck, Hal, standing there.
"Your boyfriend sure did make a stink of me flirting with you." He said getting close to me.
"Can you leave me alone." I said stepping away.
"Come on, let's have fun." He said grabbing me.
"Don't touch me!" I yelled and pushed him away.
He slapped me and threw me on the ground.
"Don't tell me no!" He yelled.
He got on me and punched me as I screamed for help.
"Hey! Don't fucking touch her!" A voice yelled.
Hal got off of me and stood up. I sat up and turned to see Dallas Winston to my rescue once again.
"Dallas, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave me and this girl alone." Hal slurred.
"Step away from her, Hal." Dallas said.
"Not a chance." Hal chuckled.
Dallas reaches out and got a gun and pointed it at Hal.
"Step away from her." Dallas said, as he pointed the gun at Hal.
I quickly got up and ran behind Dallas.
Dallas slowly walked back still pointing the gun at Hal. I clung to him like a scared child.
"Fucking bitch, I should've killed you and her." Hal yelled.
"What'd you say?" Dallas yelled back.
"I should've killed that bitch." Hal said firmly.
Dallas shot him without hesitation.
I let go of Dallas and stood there in shock.
"Oh my fuck." I said quietly.
I looked at the lump laying on the ground. I turned away and threw up.
"Hey, hey." Dallas said rubbing my back as I puked up my guts.
I stood up and wiped my mouth.
"We gotta go." Dallas said.
He grabbed my hand and we ran into Bucks.
We ran up to a room and he shut the door. He sat on the bed and ran his hands through his hair.
"Umm, I'll, uh, I'll take you home and then I guess I leave town." He said.
"Okay." I said looking down.
"Now I gotta clean your face." He said.
"What?" I looked up.
"You're bleeding." Dallas said and moved my hair behind my ear.
"Oh." I said.
Dallas got a towel.
"Here, spit on it." He said.
"Why?" I asked.
"'Cause it gotta be wet to clean your face." He said.
I giggled and licked the cloth.
Dallas patted my face.
"Thank you." I said.
"For what?" He asked.
"My life." I said and the smiled.
"It was no problem, baby." He smiled.
"Dallas, I know I don't know you but can I go with you?" I asked and he stopped.
"Why?" He asked.
"'Cause I gotta leave here. Nothing here is for me. I live in my friends place and have no life." I said.
"I guess you could, but I don't know, doll." He said.
"You can just drop me off at some motel and pimp me out. I don't care, I just gotta leave."
I said and he laughed.
"I wouldn't do that to ya, baby." He said.
I smiled and there was a moment of silence.
"Can I come?" I asked.
"Yeah, I guess." He said.
I pulled him into a hug and squeezed.
"Okay but we gotta go now." He said and stood up.
I followed him like a lost puppy.
He got a bag and stuffed it with money and the gun. He ran out of the room and I did, too. We got out the house and in a nice red car.
He turned to me with his beautiful eyes.
"Ready?" He asked.
"Fuck yeah, I am." I said.
And with that, he started the car and we left. Thus began the biggest adventure of my life.

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