How Sebastian enjoys Valentines day!

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Me and Sebastian meet at the bar. He sent me a letter saying to meet him there. Wonder what's going on?

"Hey Sebastian!!! You called?" I ask.

"Oh...H-hey Y/N..." Sebastian stutters.

"Hey...what's wrong? You feeling ok?" I asked.

"Yes! Completely fine..." Sebastian replies.

There was a silence between us. How awkward...but then, Sebastian speaks up.

"So...Y/N...wanna play some pool?" Sebastian asks.

"Oh! Sure! I know I'm gonna lose though...You're the best player in town!" I said.

"Heh...yeah...thanks..." Sebastian blushed.

We then went over to the pool table and started to play a game. Sebastian starts out amazing as always with his amazing accuracy.

Half-way in the game...I start to notice something...Sebastian was starting to get all shakey. He was losing accuracy and speed very rapidly.

"Hey...Sebastian...are you feeling alright?" I ask again.

"N-never...been better..." Sebastian weakly says.

Sebastian then held his head and groaned. Something wasn't right.

"'re not looking to hot...I think you should head home..." I say.

"N-No!!! I'm f...fin..." Sebastian stuttered as he fell to the ground.

"Oh god!!!" I screamed.

I then picked him up with my FARMER POWER and rushed him to his house. By the time I got there though, I was already sweating. For someone who lives in a basement, he sure is heavy.

I opened the door to his house, but no one was there. That was odd...usually SOMEONE was there...

I took Sebastian down to his room and set him on his bed.

"Hey...Y/N?" Sebastian says.

"Oh! Yes Sebastian? Do you need anything?" I ask.

"No...I-It's just...I say sorry...for ruining today..." Sebastian weakly says.

"What do you mean? You didn't ruin today! It was fun! Besides, it was just a game! What was so special about it?" I ask.

"It was not the game...It was the thing that was gonna happen AFTER...the game..." Sebastian says as he pulls out something from his jacket(hoodie?).

It was a card. It had a heart on the front of the paper.

Sebastian looked away, clearly trying to hide his nervousness as he held the card out for me to grab. I grabbed the paper and looked inside.

Dear Y/N:
I know this may seem odd and sudden, but I have really seen a connection between us. You and I have been really good friends for a while, but I think we should take it one step further.
So...I ask you this and will you please give your honest opinion.
Will you be my Valentine?

I just stared at him. Everything was making sense! He was gonna give me the card right after we were done playing pool!'s Valentines day?

"Heh...I got a little help from Elliott..." Sebastian said.

" god...YES!!!" I say as I tackle hugged him.

"Woah! Be careful! You'll catch my cold too!" Sebastian warns.

"Psh! Please! I'm a farmer...Nothing can stop me-" As I then sneezed.

Me and him were completely silent. We then let out a laugh(well...chuckle).

"Heh! So, wanna go outside and-"

"EH!!! No no no you're not going outside." I say sternly.

"What!?! C'mon! It's Valentines day! I should be treating yo-" He stopped as he then sneezed.

"No! It's too risky... You're a sick boy...Why don't we just have fun here?" I ask.

"Please...nothing is ever fun down here..." Sebastian replies.

"I can make it work! Just give me a chance! Pleeeeeeeaaaaase?" I whine.

"Oh fine...but only because you're my Valentine." He says.

I ran upstairs and looked around. I saw some blankets, pillows, and when I went into the kitchen, a bag of popcorn. I then got an idea!

I ran and got the pillows and blankets, then ran downstairs and set them down. I ran back upstairs and set the popcorn into the microwave. I heated it up and put the hot popcorn into the bowl(almost burning my fingers off). I then ran downstairs with the popcorn and set it aside.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" Sebastian asks.

"Oh...You'll see!!!" I reply while working.

I then set up a little cozy spot for us to lay down!

"Come come! Sit!" I ask.

Sebastian weakly gets up and plops down beside me.

"So...what's the plan now?" He asks.

"Hehe...We'll watch a movie! On your computer!" I reply.

Sebastian lit up as he got up and went over to his computer. He started to click away as he then searched the many movies.

"How about...Star fighters?" He asks.

"Nah...watched it to many times..." I reply.

"Ok...I feel as if you're gonna say no to every movie...So I'm just gonna put this on!" He says as he clicks something.

He turns the computer towards our little spot as he plops down beside me again.

It was Dinosaur Park! A complete classic! He sure has a taste in movies...

Me and him binge watched Dinosaur Park 1,2, AND 3! Until Robin came home and kicked me out...

Before I went outside, Sebastian stopped me at the door.

"Uhh...I-I just wanted to say...uhh...thanks for making today special..." He said quietly.

"Oh! You're very welcome!!! Anytime!" I say.

I walked out of the door and he waved goodbye before closing the door. I knew that this was the start of something BEAUTIFUL.

End of 1 out of 12.
((Oh god...time to get to work...))

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