Shane X MaleReader - A Greeting Disaster

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Just so you know, (M/N) means Male Name.

I was drinking beer in my room. Everything was same old same old. I wake up, take a shower, go to work, go to the bar, sleep, wake up, etc. Nothing interesting ever happened in my life. Just the same old casual routine. The only thing that is mildly interesting is drinking, so that's what I intend to do. Until one fateful day. Which...was today...

I was in my room, drinking a few beers and just getting into the zone. All of a sudden, Aunt Marnie came in. She had a big dopey smile on her face. She looked like a kid waiting to open presents on Christmas.

"Shane dear, the new farmer is in town!" She happily said.

"Cool..." I said sarcastically.

"Oh Shane, you're always in here drinking or sleeping. You need to get out in the world and make friends!"

"Aunt Marnie, I'm a grown man! I'll decide whether I'll get out there and meet some people or not. Right now, I wanna focus on drinking and working. It's the only thing that really keeps me going...apart from Jas..." I say.

Marnie sighs and sits down on my bedside. She put her hand on my mine, like a mother with their child when they're about to break out some bad news.

"I know that you're going through a tough time. I'm only doing what is best for you. I know that I'm not exactly a mother to you, but I'm family. I put you here when you had no where else to go! Because I see that fun-loving boy in there, who loves his family, and will do anything for them.

She let my hand go. I saw a glint of sadness in her eyes, but she was still smiling.

"You can do whatever you want. I'm just saying, go and meet that farmer boy! It'll do you some good."

She smiled and walked out of the room. The conversation that I just had with her was still shaking me a bit. I didn't really feel like going out...but at the same time, I felt as if I owed it to Aunt Marnie to do so.

I decided to get my emotional butt up and go meet that farmer. Not because of Aunt Marnie...Just because I felt like it...yeah...

I get up and go outside. The bright sun had blinded me for a few seconds, before everything just turned bright yellow. I was still a little drunk, but I could walk...kinda...

I limped over to the new farm. I'd heard that this old, useless space is where the new farmer would live from now on. Lucky them, am I right?

I was making my way through the thick grass and the tall trees. Tiny rocks and logs everywhere. How could someone find anyone in this mess? In the distamce, I saw a little farm though. Guess that was it.

It was small cabin, and there was a LOT of grass and stones all over the ground. It didn't look like the comfiest place in the world, but then I saw the farmer. He had dark brown hair with bright blue eyes. He had a little muscle on him, and he also looked as if he had a tan. I thought people didn't have tans in the city. I guess they did, because he was living proof that I was wrong. I will admit, he had a kind of a spark in him, but I obviously won't say it.

He noticed me and waved hello. He had a happy smile on his face. As though nothing could bother him. Like an innocent child who believed in a good world. I felt my face go red as I waved hello.

I started to walk over to greet him. He walked over to me as well, and we shook hands.
"Hey. I'm Shane. Welcome to Stardew Valley...I guess." I said. Wow, never thought I'd hear myself say that.

"Well, hey! My name's (M/N)!!! Nice to meet you!" He said with a big smile.

I grinned a little bit, seeing the way he looked at me. He had this weird, dopey smile on his face that just looked hilarious. I couldn't help myself, and started a chuckle, following by a loud laugh. It was like I'd been told the funniest thing on earth.

I looked up, and he had stopped smiling. He looked quite concerned now, and the smile quickly turned into a frown.
"What's wrong? Why are you laughing?" He asks worried.

"N-Nothing..." I finally managed to calm myself down.

"Why did you laugh? D-Do you think I'm funny? Am I a JOKE to you!?!" He said, raising his voice. He sounded serious now, like a dad when they find out you snuck away to your friends house.

I looked at him confused. He then looked at me strangely, and looked away in shame.

"I'm sorry. I have a bit of a short temper. I didn't mean to raise my voice. Terribly sorry." He shamefully saif.

I couldn't believe this guy. Thinking that he could raise his voice at me, and then say sorry? It was odd. I would normally yell at him like I yell at most people, but I didn't.

"Well...It was my fault anyway. I laughed out of nowhere, and I didn't mean to offend you. No hard feelings?" I ask.

No hard feelings-I NEVER SAY THAT!!!

"Oh..." His face then perked up.
"Yeah! No hard feelings mate!!!"

He then patted me on the back, which was fairly odd for a first greeting. Name one person who pats someone on the back the first time you meet them.

"Y-yeah. No hard feelings." I repeat. I then feel my face turn red, and immediently knew that I needed to get out of there. I turned and walked away fairly fast, but before I left, he called my name.

"I hope we can get together sometime! Maybe get a drink?" He asks.


"O-oh. Yeah!!! Sure!!!" I respond.

I think I'm gonna like this guy.

The End!!!

Get ready for Sebastian X Shane and Abigail X Onesided!Reader!!!

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