Penny X RomanticReader- A Sarenade for the Centuries

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Good pick...You know who you are, but good job! I enjoyed making this.

It was the middle of the night. I grabbed my lucky guitar and headed over to Penny's trailer. I always took most interest in her then with the other bacholers and bachelorettes. The way she talks and her love for children just puts me on end! I love her so much, that I even started to learn to play the guitar. I had a plan to seranade her at her trailer, like what those romantic people do in the movies. The problem was, which song?

I was never the musical type as a child. I could barely learn to play the triangle, let alone a guitar. None the less, I would have to sing her a song to confess my love. Which one though? There's no way I could make my own song, for I had NO artistic talent. I decided to then go to the second best option, THE INTERNET!!!

I logged onto my phone(yes, the player has a phone) and tried to find the perfect song. This had to be SPECIAL, yet not boastful. Another problem that I had to face was Pam, but I would focus on that later.

I looked on the internet for songs. I searched up, "Songs to Seranade" and I found this one song. It's called, "I Can't Help Falling in Love with you". I listened through it, and it was PERFECT!!! That was fast! Now all I have to do is learn how to play the guitar and hope that Pam doesn't burst out of the trailer with her flip flop in her hand. *sigh*

I decided to try and learn right away. I grabbed my guitar I bought from Amazon and sat down on my shipping bin. I had no other chairs and didn't want to do it inside, for it would be too quiet and I'm going to have to seranade her outside anyway. I tried to learn, but MAN it was hard. How do I know which strings I'm suppose to strum? This is going to take a while.

A couple of weeks later fly by, and I'm starting to actually get the hang of it! I never really believed someone could be self taught because it looked too hard, but now I'm starting to understand a little bit! It's starting to actually sound like the video I saw it in! I tried it one more time, and I actually got the hang of it! I couldn't wait or perfect it any longer. I needed to do it tonight, for it was Fall the 2nd. Her birthday.

It was about 9:00 at night. I grabbed my lucky rabbit's foot and my guitar before heading out. It was very chilly, and I should've brought a coat. Then again, COATS ARE FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE COLD!!! I ain't cold...I'm chilly...

I arrive at Penny's house. I could see a small light on the inside. That meant she was still awake. Good. I wouldn't want to wake her up anyway. I started chucking small pebbles at her window. I couldn't believe that this was happening. What would the neighbors think? Then again...I didn't get her anything for her birthday, so It's now or never.

She opened up her window and looked suprised to see me.

"(Y-Y/N)? What are you doing here?" Penny asks.

"U-umm...I came her to seranade you! P-please listen..." I respond.

I hold out my guitar and take a deep breath. I then start to sing.
((Look up the song if you want a listen to it. This is for male or female by the way!))

"Wise men say...Only fools rush in...
But I can't help, falling in love with you~"

So far so good I thought.

"Shall I stay? Would it be a sin? But I can't help, falling in love with you~"

I look up. Penny's eyes look mesmerized as I sang. It looked as if she was actually enjoying my singing?

"Like a river flows...Surely to the sea...Darling so it goes, some things...are just meant to be~"

I heard footsteps from behind me. I didn't care though. I couldn't let my thoughts get to me, or they would mess me up. I had to ignore them.

"Take my hand...Take my whole life too...But I can't help, falling in love with you~"

I then felt a whack in the head. I looked behind me, and it was Pam! She had a flip flop in her hand! I KNEW IT!!!


I looked behind her and I saw Evelyn, George, Alex, and Lewis. They were all dressed, but looked sleepy. I blew it...I knew I did...I didn't know that I was THAT loud!

"Mother!!! (Y/N) was seranading me until you rudely interrupted!" Penny yelled.

"You were WHAT!?!" Pam yelled in question.


Evelyn walked over and put her hand over Pan's shoulder.

"Now now, why don't you let them sing their song? It's obvious that they care about her enough to sing them a song around 9:00. I heard a little, and it already sounded beautiful! It reminds me of George back in the day! He could sing so wonderfully!!!" Evelyn reminisced.

"Hmph." George huffed in response.

Pam took a moment to think about this. She then looked at me with a sad expression.

"I'm sorry kid. I overreactied. You have your fun!" Pam says.

"Thank you mother." Penny says.

I continue to seranade from where I left off. I soon then finish the song. I heard a bunch of claps from behind me. I saw Penny blush as she closed her window. Was it over? Did she like it or not?

She then came out, still in her pajamas, and gave me a big hug.

Now here's your question. Was it worth it?

It was worth every ounce of effort.

The End!!!

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