Why Do I Get So Warm Around You?

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The past days Todoroki had been continuously bad-mouthed by Bakugo, yet there was always this odd, softness to the way he said it, like he was just teasing. Shoto was laying (still chained) by the rock staring at Bakugo's back. Bakugo was writing something down. Probably a letter of war to the kingdom or a different tribe, Shoto thought with a mental sigh.
"Oi, Icyhot!"
Bakugo's quiet voice caught Shoto's attention immediately and he turned his head to Bakugo.
"MmHm?" Shoto responded, subconsciously leaning closer to him.
Bakugo suddenly stood and turned toward Shoto. Instead of slapping him, yelling, or literally any kind of harm, he just stared.
"What's your sexuality?"
Shoto felt his warmth quickly transition to his face. He broke Bakugo's gaze and stared at the ground.
"What do you mean?" was all Shoto could whisper.
A snort of annoyance was heard, and fearing a kick to the head Shoto jumped up and shouted "GAY!".
Bakugo stared at him with shock stuck on his face. Shoto's face blazed and he stared back at the ground intently.
"So you like guys, huh?" Bakugo whispered.
Shoto didn't look up at him, just hesitantly nodded. Bakugo found this a bother, so he yanked Shoto's head up to his gaze. Shoto stared at him for a moment and then looked away immediately.
"Oi, look at me." His voice was husky and low which definitely did not help Shoto's growing (let's just say this is definitely a mature story so um beware any further) erection.
Shoto looked at him and once again was bewitched by the ruby glow of his eyes. However, he realized Bakugo was not staring at his eyes anymore.
"B-Bakugo!" Shoto blurted and pulled himself away.
Bakugo smirked and looked back up at Shoto's eyes.
"Didn't think you were so easily aroused, Princess~." Bakugo chuckled.
Shoto brought his knees up to hide his "candy cane cock" and bit his bottom lip. He had no idea how much this turned a certain Baku boy on.
Shoto's eyes shot up at Bakugo hearing his name. He was met with a very.. sexy sight. Bakugo was staring at Shoto with a deep lustful gaze, he was hanging over on top of him, and he had a bright blush on his face.
"I never said you could say my first name, Katsuki." Shoto mumbled.
It was Bakugo's turn to be shocked from hearing his first name.
"How do you know my first name?" Bakugo leaned forward.
Shoto leaned himself back propping himself farther onto the rock that's holding him down.
"I-um, Kirishima told me.." Shoto replied, this time looking Bakugo in the eyes.
Bakugo began to pull himself forward, as to stay on top of Shoto, but slowly so he barely noticed.
"Damn that Shitty hair..." Bakugo muttered.
Shoto yelped suddenly because a part of the rock (now under him) pierced his clothing and scratched his skin. Bakugo took this as an opportunity and slipped his hand under Shoto pulled his body until it was pressed against his own. Shoto shut his mouth as to not make a sound. Bakugo raised his eyebrows.
"Hiding something? Why don't you give me a smile? Or maybe a moan instead?" Bakugo slowly began to ascend his hand down Shoto's spine.
Shoto shivered from the touch but stubbornly kept his mouth shut. He knew if he even tried to talk back it would be interrupted by, a "pleasant" sound.
"What? Cat got your tongue? Or is it just me?" Bakugo's hand was so low at this point Shoto's lips began to quiver from shutting out the sounds his body wished to make.
"Come on Shoto, moan for me~" Bakugo whispered into Shoto's ear.
One grasp at the rear and Shoto's gasped letting out a rather loud moan.
"B-bastard! Stop it!" Shoto groaned.
Bakugo let out a long sigh, and got up off of Shoto.
"I may like fucking people, but your making me feel like a fucking pervert." Bakugo growled and headed out of the tent.
Thus, Shoto was left a complete mess. All of his senses were ready for sex but since nothing came they got pissed and hurt. Shoto ignored it and curled himself into a ball.
"Why did it feel so good?"

**Time le skip**

After that "moment", Shoto never dated looking or talking to Bakugo. Bakugo sometimes would walk in and write something down but other than that he never saw Shoto. For some reason that caused Shoto to feel a deep pang of hurt in his chest. He felt guilty, ashamed, and definitely embarrassed. But the pain wasn't linked to any of those. It was just, well, there. And he hated how it kept him up at night, and was always there. He wanted it to go away. He had nobody to really ask, but maybe Kirishima could help. So, while Kirishima came to give him scraps of their lunch, Shoto asked him a question.
"Hey, Kirishima, why does my chest hurt?"
It was random, maybe too random because Kirishima turned around with a fearful look.
"Did someone stab you? Was it Bakugo?" Kirishima looked at him with concern.
Shoto shook his head.
"Um, Bakugo, sort of molested me the other day, and now my chest hurts." Shoto answered blankly.
Kirishima burst out laughing.
"Oh! You mean tried to fuck you?" Kirishima laughed harder.
Shoto glared at him, since he really didn't understand why it was funny.
"Don't worry about it! If your upset because he's not been talking he'll come around. You probably just pissed him off or somethin'." Kirishima noticed Shoto's expression didn't change, so he added on. "But I'll talk to him about it, if you want."
Shoto nodded slowly, his chest pain was calming down and he could finally think about something other than it.

•*•*•*BAKUGO POV*•*•*•

Bakugo sat in a tree, examining the leaves as e always did. In his mind he couldn't help but think of Shoto. All about how adorable he was, how he was always trying to be kind despite his situation, and basically how much he wanted to fuck him. But most of all, the guilt he felt for doing it. Usually he fucked prisoners and sold their bodies, dead or alive, to other tribes. But Shoto was definitely different. Bakugo hated to admit it, but something was definitely there in his heart for Shoto. Whether it be love or
friendship, something was there.
"Hey, Bakugo!" Kirishima stooped by the tree with a big, toothy grin. "You know Shoto is upset because you haven't been seeing him recently!"
Shoto... upset..?
Those were the only things that clicked in Bakugo's mind and he hopped off the tree.
"Where the fuck is he?" Bakugo asked, stomping toward the camp.
Kirishima ran ahead mumbling about "same place he always is" and how he must do something or some shit. Once Bakugo reached the camp he opened the tent revealing Shoto, currently shirtless, and red-faced.


Author NOTE!!!

Aye, so um, spicy? Ye it gets spicier hehe! And I apologize for making this so late my friend came over and I was busy all day! I'll make up for it with this piece of art! Hope you liked the art and story and I'll update tomorrow as always!

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