(The heavily waited extra chapter)

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It's finally here so sorry for the wait😬**

Shoto sat in the prison. The smell already made him puke twice. The guards hadn't even bothered to clean it so now it stunk worse. Now Shoto knew how Bakugo felt. Why did he never complain?
"Hey! The king said we could kill you if you struggled, so, best stop your attempts!"
Shoto lifted his head. He saw Bakugo. And right at this moment he jerked himself toward his cell. Ruby eyes aligned with blue and grey ones. They didn't stare for long since Bakugo was jerked forward into the cell beside his. Next he watched as Kirishima (Who was tying to turn into his dragon form), Mina, Kaminari, and Sero. They each went into their separate cells. There was a huge metal mask around Kirishima so Shoto guessed they figured out he was a dragon. He sat there. The silence was heavy. Then Mina broke it by puking beside her.
"Oi, Racoon Eyes! Don't puke, you'll make the smell worse, like Icyhot did!"
Shoto's head raised at the sound of his nickname. Bakugo had said his name... er nickname but it was something. He figured he'd be angry..
"Wait, what? Shoto is in here? SHOOTOOOO!" Mina screamed.
Guards yelled at her to quit it while Shoto laughed in response.
"I'm right here.." he told her.
A grunt was heard to the right of Bakugo's cage.
"I thought it was Shoto who locked us up.. I'm sorry Shoto...but, uh, why is the king in prison??" Kamanari questioned.
Shoto lowered his gaze to the ground and let out a grunt of annoyance.
"My older brother came back and fought for the throne. As you can tell, he won, and as for why I'm in prison, he probably doesn't trust me not to spill the beans to my siblings that their brother is back and he's a bitch." Shoto spat.
The dungeon was silent again. This time Sero interrupted it.
"So, uh, do you know if we're going to be killed or what...?" Sero jokes slightly.
The room, once again, was filled with a heavy silence.
"I'm not sure, I'm sorry." Shoto whispers.
They all sat and talked. For days they got nothing but scraps, and as the days stretched to weeks. Nobody had the strength to talk. All their hope was gone.
"Guys... my stomach... I don't think I'm going to survive this.." Kaminari groaned.
Mina slapped the bars off his cell.
"This isn't the time for joking, Kaminari..." Mina whispered weakly.
He shook his head.
"I'm not joking, Mina.." Kaminari whispered.
Kaminari was the one who ate the least. He was really picky, so the scraps they gave he barely ate.
"Kaminari, for the last fucking time, EAT THE FOOD. Or else you'll die, idiot!" Bakugo growled.
Kirishima couldn't say anything because of the metal mask, so he silently watched. Oh, your probably thinking, if Kirishima is wearing a metal mask, how does he eat? The answer is, he doesn't. And the guards didn't bother to take it off for a moment so he could. He hadn't eaten or drunken anything in a week. But dragons were able to go longer without food and water, but everyone knew, if they were to sit for another week, as much as they hated to think it, Kirishima would... die.
A memory suddenly flashed in Shoto's mind.
Now, son. If you ever were to get captured and put in a prison! How would you get out?
"I don't know, dad, how?"
Well, you see, with your power, you can melt the bars, but if your hands are chained, all you have to do is push your foot under the bars, if the door is not connected to the ground that is, and push up and forward. The door will fling open. Our prisons, unfortunately, are made that way. But we don't have very smart prisoners so we don't need to change it.

Shoto stared at the door. He crawled over to it, and tried to stick his foot under it. It was hard, a tight fit, and extremely painful but he did it. As much as it would hurt, Shoto pushed up his foot and then pushed forward. The door flung open. Shoto sat for a moment a little surprised that it worked.
"What are you waiting for, half n half?! Get us out!" Bakugo whisper yelled.
Shoto nodded, got up, and repeated he process with his foot for every other door since his hands were chained up. When Shoto unlocked Kirishima's door, he didn't jump up, or move. He just sat there like a corpse. But he was blinking up at Shoto.
"Guys.." shoto whispered.
They looked at him.
"Kirishima is too weak to move."
Bakugo shoved past everyone.
"Come on, shitty hair." Bakugo lifted him into his shoulders. "Your heavy."
No hum of "thank you" or acknowledgement came from Kirishima. Just a blink.
"Guys, we need to get the mask off of Kirishima and feed and water him quick." Kaminari worriedly said.
They came up with a plan that Sero would use his tape to grab some food from the kitchens, then come back. The plan ended up being successful, and Sero came back arms filled with meat and fruit.
"Alright, guys, I can undo the chains but I can't be wearing them.." shoto mumbled.
Mina smiles guiltily. The chains somehow melted away.
"I could've melted them earlier but I didn't know how to get out of the cell, and if the guards saw my hands free they'd freak.." she mumbled.
Everyone except Kirishima nodded, understanding. Mina melted Shoto's chains (very carefully as not to hurt him). Shoto then immediately broke off Kirishima's mask. Kirishima at this point couldn't even feed himself. So after Shoto feed Bakugo's hands he fed Kirishima (much to Shoto's disappointment because he is a jealous baby).
After feeding Kirishima, his strength was slowly coming back. He could finally stand and walk on his own, though he stumbled a bit. But he still never talked, or smiled.
"Alright guys, this is great, but we need to get out before dinner!" Sero exclaims.
Everyone nods. They find the nearest window and Shoto makes an ice slide down. Everyone slid down and finally left Bakugo and Shoto alone at the window. Shoto stared back at the castle hallways.
"Shoto.. I understand you don't want to leave, but you'll be imprisoned and maybe killed if you sta—"
"It's not that, Katsuki. I was just saying goodbye to my siblings and my mother." Shoto smiled before positioning himself to slide down. "And maybe laughing at my father and brother."
Bakugo snickered and slid down after him. Once everyone was out of the castle, everyone turned to Kirishima. The quickest, safest way to get back to the woods was Kirishima's dragon form... but he was far too weak.
"Damn it, we can walk, can't we?!" Bakugo yelled.
Click! Shoto looked up at the window. A guard. An arrow. A back. Piercing of the skin. Blood. Tears. The heart break of realizing the love of your life is dead


Ah.... don't talk to me. I felt edgy. Your welcome. Who died? Did they even die? WHOO even better cliff hanger! Alright, time for sleep! (I feel like a monster roar)

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