Doesnt Matter

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Papa smurf :D

$$$$Bakugo POV$$$$

What he said wasn't the whole truth. It wasn't even barely the truth.
"You love him don't you?"
"Go back to him!"
"No, he probably hates you now!"
The voices in his head were quiet, but he heard them. And they didn't annoy him any less.
"That's stupid, of course I love him, no I cannot go back to him, and duh he fucking does!" Bakugo grunted.
Kaminari, Who happened to be standing beside him, smiled slightly.
"Come on, dude. Just get over him." Kaminari knew it wasn't as simple as that but he wasn't very good at comforting.
Kirishima glared at him.
"Don't listen to him Bak—"
"Shut it, Shitty hair!! He's right, damn it! Forget that Icyhot!" Bakugo yelled.
The whole tribe looked at him until he flicked them off. Bakugo headed to his tent.
"Don't bother me, assholes." He mumbled before disappearing inside the tent.
"Man, that Shoto dude really has a hold on his heart!" Kirishima sighed.
Mina, who for the first time one forever, looked really sad
"My OTP was ruined!!" She cried.
Sero pat her back supportively. Kaminari just rolled his eyes.
"I'm surprised none of us were killed. Bakugo probably made some sort of deal with the king." Kaminari laughed.
Kirishima nodded. He glanced back at Bakugo's tent, where he swore he heard sobbing noises. He looked down at the ground.
"Kinda pisses me off.." Kirishima whispered.
Mina looked at him with shock.
"Huh? What ever gets you mad?" Mina asked.
Kirishima looked up at her.
"Bakugo loves him, but why did he leave him? Isn't it obvious? He came back for us! It pisses me off, that he would be so selfless to put us before his own love life. But, I saw the way Shoto looked at him, he hurt Shoto a lot more than he realizes." Kirishima says bluntly. "I think we need to somehow show Bakugo how much he's hurting Shoto, so he'll go back! I hate seeing him like this and knowing someone else feeling just as bad! So, any plans?"
The fire in front of them crackled.
"How about we lie? We say that a guard came up and said Shoto was in a terrible mood and fears he needs help, but Shoto asked for him and nothing else.." Sero says slowly, as if figuring it out as he says it.
The group nods.
"We need to make it sound like this happened, too. Like, Sero and Kaminari, yell your going for a hunt, come back in.. eh, 20 minutes, running and yelling nonsense! Sound good?" Mina said brightly.
Kaminari and Sero looked at each other and nodded. Dat ass doe, Kirishima thought as Kaminari power walked like a true gay away (lol I don't even know how that got there, I ship KamiSero more so it wasn't me!)
The plan worked out smoothly, and when Kaminari and Sero came running back, (they screamed "Guns and Ships") they were definitely yelling nonsense.
Bakugo came out looking extremely pissed off.
"What the HELL Pikachu and Soy sauce?!" Bakugo yelled.
They stopped, and started panting uncontrollably.
"You tell him, Sero!" Kaminari gasped in air.
Sero stood up straighter.
"A guard! *pant* came up to us *pant* and told us that—" He was interrupted by Bakugo.
Kaminari finally stood up.
"A guard came up to us and said Shoto was in a really bad mood and when he asked what he needed, he said your name!!" Kaminari blurted.
Bakugo's eyes widened.
"What the hell?" Bakugo whispered.
Kirishima got Bakugo's attention.
"That means you hurt Shoto!" Kirishima stated. "So you need to go back to the kingdom!"
Bakugo rolled his eyes.
"Hell no. Don't lie to me." Bakugo was about to head back into the tent when a voice stopped him.
(Who is it??)

Shoto stood, leaning against the a tree, clearly wounded and burnt. Bakugo ran to him in a blur. Shoto looked up at him, and with a soft smile he passed out into his arms.

**Time skip? HOORAY**

Shoto was lying in that tent again. He one where he was kidnapped and assaulted, etc. Fell in love, too. This time he was laying on a soft bed. And he was cuddling next to the leader of a tribe. Remember when he fell in love? That's the person. Katsuki Bakugo.
"Yes, icyhot?"
"Don't ever leave me again, bastard."
A low grumble.
"Sure, whatever."


Shoto shot awake in his bed. A dream? Tears were already falling from his face.
"All of that was a dream?" He gasped and more tears fell. "I hate sleeping."
Sleeping never brought good. Dreams, sure, but also nightmares. And those dreams are nightmares, too. Your temporarily living a life you want only to wake up with nothing. It's a teaser, and nightmares are just nightmares. Shoto got out of bed and looked into the mirror. His hair was dirty and a matted mess, while he stunk like skunks because he hadn't washed. But the most crappy thing was his face, snotty and red. His eyes were very puffy and it was worse because he just cried again. He rubbed his eyes as a knock came to his door.
A maid came in with a meek smile.
"Hello! I came here to introduce the woman your marrying! You know her, actually. Miss MoMo, why don't you step in?" Maid whispered kindly.
Shoto's eyes widened as Momo came in. She was wearing a gorgeous dress instead of her usual armor.
"Hey, Shoto." She said trying not to judge his outstanding look.
Shoto shook his head.
"I'm sorry, MoMo, please tell the king I'm not marrying." He said and curled back into the covers.
The maid hurriedly rushes MoMo away.
"Right away, prince. But, he won't be happy!" She said fear already sparkling in her eyes.
Shoto ignored it, though it was selfish. He didn't love MoMo any more than a friend. Best friend maybe, but nothing involving her and romantic interested him. His father never came to him, but he didn't stop. He sent many different maidens (including MoMo again) nearly every day. It was frustrating but Shoto ignored it. Finally, one day, a man was brought in. Shoto stared at him. With a shake of his head the man was off the list. That's when the king finally went to Shoto. He didn't knock, he walked in.
"Shoto, I need you to pick a bride, I don't necessarily care if it's a groom but a bride is better." His father demanded.
Shoto rolled his eyes.
"No. I'm not marrying anyone except Katsuki Bakugo." He mumbled into the sheets.
The king grumbled.
"You want to take him away from his tribe? Make him rule a kingdom he despises? Alongside you?" The king questioned.
Shoto sat up and looked at his father.
"Oh, right, your dying, old man. Once you die I will marry Bakugo, and bring his tribe as superiors." Shoto stated flatly.
The king stared at him in disbelief.
"Fine, Shoto. You want to marry that murderer? Go ahead! But, kill me. Right now, kill me." The king told him.
Shoto's eyes widened. He got out of bed.
"I won't kill you. That's not what a prince would do." Shoto told him.
The king laughed.
"I've done it many times." The king suddenly paused. "I..."
And with that the king collapsed on the floor.

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